Episode Two: Part One Birthday Girl 1970

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Episode Two:

The year is now 1970, a new decade a new start, Michael is now 12 and Grace is 11 well will be 11 in a few days since the date on her calendar is November 22nd, her birthday was in 3 days, she was having a birthday party, some of her school friends were coming over, the only issue she had was Michael couldn't come, him and his family didn't celebrate birthdays since they were Jehovahs Witnesses, Graces family were all Christians, her Father Danny was Catholic before he met her mother Faith, they were both Irish immigrants, She didn't understand how anyone couldn't celebrate Birthdays, Christmas, and even Halloween, but Faith always told her to be respectful to the Jackson's that it was ok to have different faiths, Grace looked up at her mother with a sad face"but he never celebrates his birthday, birthdays are so important, they celebrate you and the day you were born." Her mother sighs and looks at Grace lovingly, "sweetheart not everyone celebrates birthdays like us, you know me and your father always make you and your siblings feel special because You are to us, but sometimes parents let religion take over their lives and make them forget what's important, their children, you are special to me and celebrating you and the day you were born is important." Grace sighs and looks at her mom with a sad face,"but mom I will feel bad that Michael isn't at my party, he's my best friend in the entire world, I will miss him being there." Faith looks at her with a questioning face,"well why don't you and Michael go do a fun activity with just the two of you?" Grace smiles bright and hugs her mom"that's. A brilliant idea mom, I will go call him right now." Faith laughs and shakes her head"I will call them you silly girl." They go to the kitchen and Faith goes to the kitchen phone and dials the Jackson's phone, Jackie picks it up and says "Jackson residence." In a cool but funny tone, Faith holds in a chuckle"Jackie it's Faith is your mother home?" Jackie is shocked that she knew it was him"wait how did you know it was me?" Faith laughs"mother's intuition." Jackie still in shock thinks wow it is real, "I will go get her." After a few minutes Katherine picks up the phone"hello Faith how are you dear?" Faith smiles through the phone" I am fine darlin how about you?" Katherine smiles"I am good is there something going on?" Faith huffs"well Grace wanted to know if Michael wanted to go do something fun with her Friday since he's not going to her birthday party." Katie was taken aback, the idea that someone cares enough about her child that they wanted to do something special because of their different beliefs made her heart melt a little,"oh that sounds lovely,I am sure he will be so happy when I tell him later, he's out with the other boys at the moment." Faith smiles"well I am sure Grace will be happy too, but I will see you Friday then." Both women said good bye and when Grace found out she was excited, and counted down the days on her calendar, because they lived in the same neighborhood they went to the same school, she was walking the hall with Michael with her arm linked with his, she didn't care that people looked, but girls liked Michael, he wondered why but Grace was always telling him he was special, and he should act like it, Michael smiles down at his best friend "so how do you feel about turning 11?" She smiles and giggles at him"well probably the same as when I turned 10, I am just worried since when you turn 13 next year you will be one year closer to high school and I will still be here, and I will be alone." Michael turns his head and holds in a laugh"is that what your worried about?, we have a few years before then." She huffs"but things change in two years, maybe you won't like me anymore." Michael laughs"I highly doubt that would ever happen, how could I ever stop liking you." Grace blushes a bit, They stop in front of their first class and sit next to each other like always, Grace couldn't focus, all she could think about was "I couldn't stop liking you." Did Michael like like her, she shook her head and thought"probably not I am being silly." After a few days all the kids were left out for their thanksgiving vacation which was only a few days, it was Friday and Grace was excited, her and Michael were going roller skating, she was really good but Michael needed help, she pulled her long blonde hair up in a ponytail and without her mother knowing she put a little pink eyeshadow and brown mascara on and lipgloss, she had on a pink one piece Jumpsuit on with glitter and boots, She looked in the mirror and did a little spin, she was so excited for this and really hoped Michael liked it, a knock on the door was heard and Faith answered it and it was Michael, he was smiling up at Faith"hello Mrs Hill." Faith smiles down at the boy"Michael you know you can call me Faith." He blushes a little, Faith leads him to the living room, full of pictures of the hill family, which always made him feel bad since Graces family seemed so close, Faith smiles at Michael"Danny is out with the other kids so it will just be you and Grace, I am dropping you two off since I have some shopping to do, but you and Grace are at that age where your parents embarrass you." Michael laughs, "nah I don't think so but I am sure my brothers would be." Soon Grace comes down stairs and Michael just stares at her with a look of amazement, his best friend looked so grown up, even though she was only 11, but to him, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he shook his head and smiled at her"wow Grace you look amazing." Grace blushes"thanks Michael." The two go to Faiths car and the two are excited to have fun together. How will Michael and Graces "date" go and is it a date or a fun time between friends? And what will happen at Graces Birthday Party? Find out in part two. 

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