Part 2

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Xiao Zhan was right when he thought that they would still meet, but to be honest, he didn't think it would happen soon...

- Wow, Mr. Handsome! - Relaxing in the hot spring, where usually no one bothered him because his chambers had a rule that said not to come in unannounced, hearing someone else's voice was really unexpected. And basically, after so many years, everyone had gotten used to these rules that they stopped bothering him at all. His estate didn't even have dozens of servants like some families. Two was more than enough. And he handled the rest of the duties himself. Even Mingde, who was known for not knowing the basic rules of etiquette (this was what those who studied with him together said about him, as he had a habit of barging into other people's chambers without knocking) followed his rules. So when Xiao Zhan realized that he was now almost naked, it was too late.

- And you have a fine physique, - that voice...

With a single movement of his hands, he quickly put a barrier between them that could hide him from other person's eyes for a while...

It was him. That guy he had helped yesterday. How he got here? It was a wonder that no one had ever caught him in all this time...

His heart was pounding frantically, and Xiao Zhan didn't understand the reason why. Was it because of the fear that this guy might get caught? Or was it because he was encouraged by the new acquaintance, especially with someone not from his clan. He really had always wanted to get out to those parts where there were no inhibitions and where people from different clans could talk to each other in peace. Sometimes it all seemed beyond his imagination, so he could only imagine some pictures in his head of them all socializing, sitting at the same table or generally playing some games like chess. The feeling that their clan was almost considered a different dimension had not left him since he was a child. So he wanted to see the difference with his own eyes. And now it seemed that he was one step closer to it... perhaps this guy would be the one who could fulfill his desires...

- How long have you been there? - He hears that voice again and realizes that he's actually stuck here for a long time. Quickly changing his clothes, he dispels the invisible barrier he had created to appear in front of the stranger in a decent manner.

- It's not proper to barge into someone's chambers without knocking. Especially when you don't know each other at all, - he said. There was no anger in his words, nothing at all. For a moment, it seemed to him that he wanted to teach this stranger the rules of the place. Well... apparently that would be a long job.

- The door was open, so I came in, - the stranger answered and blinked his eyes so innocently that if Xiao Zhan didn't know anything about people, he would have believed that he really didn't know anything. And then...

And then the guy smiled, and he forgot how to breathe...

Being around him for a long time would be very risky. But... "you're not so stupid to fall in love with the first person you meet, right?", it seemed a little late to save himself...

What was Xiao Zhan thinking when he let this stranger into their territory? To be honest, he himself couldn't find an answer to this question. The only thing that was obvious was that he enjoyed spending time with this person, even if he tried to deny it for a while. But you can't fool yourself, right? Sooner or later you have to accept what your heart is telling you...

The days passed. He even organized a separate room for him... Yibo... that's how he introduced himself. But he couldn't find out why he came here. He would come up with different excuses every time, so that Xiao Zhan sometimes wondered if he was a little crazy or had lost his memory. But he realized that these thoughts were silly when he watched him for a long time. Yibo sometimes would disappear for a few hours and then return as if nothing had happened. He was taking advantage of Xiao Zhan's kindness and walking around his chambers as if they were his own, although he had his own chambers. But forbidding him to do anything was beyond his strength...

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