Part 3

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- Where are you going? - Xiao Zhan's worried voice sounded behind his back.

Yibo wanted to leave without saying anything to him... he didn't want to involve someone like him in this matter of revenge. In fact, in the past few days in which he had been able to get close to him, he had even managed to regret meeting him in the first place. Xiao Zhan was also a victim who had suffered from the Cheng Clan and now that he was living his quiet life here, Yibo didn't want to become the cause of his anxiety. So he decided to follow a different plan... plan B.....

- Home, - he turned around and looked at his face, - I couldn't find this man named Xiao. - He added afterward.

- What makes you so sure of that? - Xiao Zhan asked, and Yibo wanted more than anything at that moment to just say his name out loud. But that could ruin everything...

- Well, I haven't seen anyone prettier than you around here. I heard this man outshines even the Gods themselves, - he replied, bringing a slight smile to the face of the man across from him.

How could such a bright man exist in life? Even his eyes were so crystal clear, look into them and you would realize what he was really like. Perhaps being shielded from the world of everything went in his favor... he was not touched by people's greed or anger. Xiao Zhan remained a calm, warm, good person... It was a pity that they met under such circumstances. Perhaps... if they had met elsewhere, then they could have become more than just acquaintances. Friends or...

- I'm going, - his own voice came through, pulling him out of the abyss of thoughts he'd allowed himself. He needed to move on, leaving Xiao Zhan here, in the past. No time for other feelings...

This was actually the first time such a thing had ever happened, once upon a time someone was so able to sink into his soul that even sitting with them in silence was comfortable. Although these days, Ibo was sure he had made Xiao Zhan regret helping him. What could one do about it? Pestering him was a great pleasure. Although it never worked to make him angry. Those people from the Wu Clan...


Yibo had left. An hour had passed, two, three... and this confirmed that he had indeed left the mountain. If Xiao Zhan said that he didn't feel anything at this moment, he would be lying. After all, he really wanted Yibo to stay by his side. But he couldn't say it out loud. Better that... better he leave here on his own than be caught by his brother. And that could have ended worse....

Perhaps... if their clan hadn't closed themselves off from the world of everything... perhaps then he could have taken his hand and asked him to stay with him. But those were only pathetic thoughts he could only dream of. He didn't want to put Ibo in danger by asking him to stay. How foolish... How foolish that he would let go of his first love so easily.....

- Young Master Xiao! - Mingde's voice sounded across the mountain that a deaf man would be able to hear.
- What are you yelling about? - He replied in a calm voice as he continued his meditation. Still, he needed it now... he needed to gather his thoughts. But the next words that came out of Mingde's mouth made his heart skip a beat....
- What stranger? What do you mean? - he asks the question and freezes, waiting for an answer.
- Recently caught. I don't know the details, but he's being interrogated in the main hall. I'm going there to watch. Thought you might be interested too. I'm going!

Word by word, he gibbered and ran away so fast that the next second there was no trace of him. Only a bad feeling made itself felt. It couldn't have been Yibo, could it? He left three hours ago, he couldn't have gotten caught just now, right? He needed to get in there soon and make sure he didn't...

- What clan did you say you're from?

The eldest of the Xiao brothers was really as he imagined. Even the wrinkles from his constantly frowning eyebrows were the same as in his thoughts. It was like heaven and earth... How could the brothers be so different? One of them could outshine the sun with his light, so bright was the man. And one of them was darker than thunder clouds... amazing.

- I am Wang Yibo, of the Cheng Clan, - his voice echoed throughout the hall and even created an echo as there was a sepulchral silence. Hearing which clan he belonged to, everyone froze in anticipation of something great and all pairs of eyes were directed at the head of Xiao. Out of the corner of his eye, Yibo noticed the hall filling up with more people, and one of them was... him... He tried not to look at him. Not to cross his eyes with him. Not now. Perhaps it was here and now that their good acquaintance was at an end...

- Isn't this clan responsible for your mother's death? And they dare to invade our lands! - One old man's voice rang out, creating surprised cheers behind him that clearly supported him in those words. This was exactly what he wanted too. After learning that he had allowed himself such audacity, the Wu Clan would definitely ask this of the Cheng Clan and wouldn't just leave it at that. This was exactly what he needed. But at this moment... at this second, Head Xiao's gaze is directed towards his brother, and Yibo himself subconsciously does the same. And regrets it... the look....

Xiao Zhan stood to the side, with his eyes wide open in surprise, staring at him without taking his gaze away. His hands were clenched into a fist so tightly that at some point, they began to bleed. He was trembling all over, but even so his eyes were fixed only on him. And in them, Yibo saw only anger... not the tenderness of hours before. Not the kindness, not the light... his crystal clear eyes became blacker than dark gloom. He heard the sound of his heart and realized he hadn't breathed for several seconds... it seemed to be beating at the speed of light. But he could only stare and not be able to say anything out loud. For this was exactly what he needed. Revenge he wanted to take and he needed help from someone stronger than himself. But every action had a price.

And this time he had to sacrifice a relationship... thankfully one that didn't have any connection yet. That's all. In Xiao Zhan's eyes, he is only an enemy... a murderer... even if he finds out the truth in the future, it won't affect anything. That's the end of it. Yibo has made his choice.

The hall begins to hum with a multitude of voices, and Xiao Zhan just turns around and walks away... walks away, and Yibo's heart shatters. He seems to have just realized how important this sudden relationship of a few days was to him....

But it's over.


Anger was really overwhelming him. And first of all he felt cheated, betrayed, as if he had been taken advantage of. Yibo's gaze didn't leave his thoughts... he looked at him fearfully and... and seemed to feel guilty in front of him. But Xiao Zhan couldn't turn a blind eye to it so easily. Why? Why did Yibo need to get close to him? What did he get out of it? Why had he lied to him? He seemed like a completely different person to him, why? Why had he come here? He wanted to ask all these questions to his face. At least like this...

- As soon as he dared, - Mingde was right behind him, muttering to himself as he cursed "that man from the Cheng clan".

- What happened to him? - He turned to him and asked him a question.

- What? - he was surprised at the surprise, - Oh, that stranger? He has been locked up in a prison cell. What will happen to him is not clear yet.

I wonder how much of a scream Mingde will get when he asks him to show him the way there? Yeah... it was loud. Very loud. But after a couple minutes of grumbling, he did agree to his request. Perhaps he would even report everything to his brother, but Xiao Zhan would think about that later....

He was initially very angry with Yibo, but it was only to see him in a place like this. Behind the iron, cold cell, sitting on the icy floor...

- We need to let him go, - his voice sounds in this silence and he is surprised at his own words, what to say about Mingde, who almost jumped with surprise.
- We?! - he replied in a whisper, which was extremely unexpected after getting used to his volume.
- He isn't to blame for the sins of his clan, - Xiao Zhan added, to which his assistant didn't know what indignation to add. Apparently he was so shocked that he decided to remain silent in this case.

Although at the same time, he himself didn't understand why he was doing this. Where is all his hatred that he felt at times earlier? Why was he even in this position thinking about this man? He hopes he won't regret his decision.....

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