Part 5

272 22 16

- I didn't think you'd actually go looking for me...

It was already evening, they were still in their city. Yibo couldn't leave as long as Xiao Zhan was by his side. But honestly... he wished that the world would freeze at this moment. After all, the unknown really scared him. How the future circumstances would turn out, what would happen to them, how it would all end, he knew nothing. Therefore, he wanted to stay here. The day Xiao Zhan found him, thus turning his world upside down. Making his heart beat even faster. That's how Xiao Zhan was. Calm, warm, gentle, but at the same time, someone who made him forget how to breathe...

He looks at him and gets no response to his words. Yibo thought that he would at least say something like "you said to find it", but this Mr. Handsome is silent again.

- Did... - he moves closer to him and, looking at those eyes running around, adds, - did you really fall in love with me?

Smiling in all his thirty-two teeth, Yibo waits to be pinched just like last time (it was quite cute), but Xiao Zhan turns to him and with all seriousness answers with a firm "yes!" that for a while Yibo falls from reality, frozen, not believing his ears.

He only meant to make a joke, but apparently underestimated his skill level. He was beaten... it was a joke, right?

- But I'm the heir of the Cheng clan, - he adds after a few moments of silence. Seeing his surprised eyes, Xiao Zhan only averted his gaze as he continued to gaze at the stars further. They were sitting on the rooftop of one of the hotels in this city.

- When I was a kid, I always wanted to sit on the rooftop like this and admire the stars with someone close to me. I missed my mother then, and I wanted that person to be her. But now... now I am looking at the stars with you and I like it...

- I'm your enemy, - the answer suddenly comes out of his mouth and he realizes that he's ruining everything himself right now. But... but what should he do? He doesn't even know if he'll get out of there alive yet. He doesn't want to break this man's heart... he couldn't....

- You are not to blame for the sins of your clan, - he replies and Yibo freezes again, unable to believe his ears. Xiao Zhan didn't even think of revenge... he didn't even have a thought of it... How? How could he be like this? It seemed as if he was from another planet altogether... not like the others.

- I would take revenge if I were you, - he says quietly out loud. But Xiao Zhan, whether he pretends or really didn't hear, continues to stare at the bright stars in the sky.

Today, there were unusually many of them. It was as if they were shining just for them.....


Perhaps he had been too harsh, or perhaps he had rushed things... Yibo's words didn't leave his mind at all. For a moment he thought that his older brother was sitting in front of him, just as fixated on hatred and revenge. But looking at such a cheerful Yibo, it was impossible to see the similarities.

After sitting on the roof for a while longer, they scatter to their rooms to rest from today. In fact, Xiao Zhan really didn't know what he was going to do next. He had found Yibo, now what? Sooner or later, he should return to the clan, and he can't be taken there. What would happen now? There were so many questions, but he didn't feel like looking for answers right now. It was enough for now that Yibo was near. Behind the next wall, but much closer than behind the barrier...

Just as he was trying to go to bed, a bright light burst into his room. Rather a beam of light that led outside. Standing up from his seat Xiao Zhan follows the trail of that light and walks to the backyard of the inn he was in.

Knock at my heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora