Part 8

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Xiao Zhan was still unconscious, although according to Master Mo's words, he should have woken up soon, but all night long, Yibo sat beside him, not letting go of his hand even for a second, waiting for him to wake up, but no... he didn't come to his senses. And even in that state, in his sleep, he never stopped calling out to him. In response, Yibo could only squeeze his hand even tighter and repeat that he was near, that he was here and he wasn't going anywhere. His heart ached to see Xiao Zhan like this...

A few hours earlier, he had learned the truth... when he saw all those wounds on his body.

Before him lay Xiao Zhan, who had helped him across the barrier on the day they met; who had allowed him to stay with him afterwards; who had treated him with all his soul, even though he knew nothing about him; who had cared for him and even fed him during his stay at his estate; who, even after learning the truth and Yibo's real intentions, had not turned his back on him, but on the contrary, had been understanding; who had broken him out of prison by going against his own brother; who broke the rules of his clan to find him as Yibo asked; who was able to accept his feelings and told him immediately; who rushed to find and save him when he was hanging by a thread; who was afraid of losing him; who turned a blind eye to all his deceptions; who was punished with 100 strokes; who ran to him as soon as he woke up because he was worried about him; who tried to protect him from all the bad things and in the end suffered greatly from it himself. It was all him, Xiao Zhan. And on top of that, he was now lying unconscious in front of him and couldn't stop repeating his name...

If you think of everything in this perspective, Yibo felt terribly guilty about everything and he felt like he didn't deserve this man's love. All he could do was try to make him the happiest in the world and never lie, never deceive him again. Treat him with all sincerity and love him with all his heart, until his last breath.

- We need to talk, - Mingde's voice suddenly rang out in the quiet room where only Xiao Zhan's breathing had been heard before.
- What is it? - Yibo asks, stepping outside with him so as not to disturb his lover's sleep. But what he hears in response feels like thunder... - Why are you deciding this? Only Xiao Zhan has the right to ask me to leave, - he couldn't believe his ears.
- You don't want him to get hurt, do you? - He replies, but his voice is visibly trembling. To be honest, Yibo didn't understand why. He didn't even pay much attention to it, because he was shocked by the assistant's demand, - Didn't you see his body? Did you see the wounds? If you continue to stay here, there will be more of them, is that what you want? That's why you need to leave. I don't want Young Master to feel such pain because of you.

Although Yibo tried to ignore these words, they stabbed into his heart like a sharp knife. For everything that came out of Mingde's mouth was true. Everything that Xiao Zhan had gone through was his fault. And no one else. If Yibo hadn't met him back then, he wouldn't be lying unconscious in bed now with many wounds on his body.

He didn't know how to look into Mingde's eyes, which were also full of tears. One could see how worried he was about his master and having to take such a step. And Yibo... what about Yibo? What is there left for him to do but to actually leave? Nothing...

Leaving the Wu Clan's mountain, he realized that things were too complicated right now. But his legs refused to go any further, he wanted with all his body and soul to stay here, next to his beloved. But sometimes you have to go against your desires to make the best of things.

His saddened look did not go unnoticed by his younger brother, who at first was happy to see him, but realizing that something was wrong, decided to keep silent and leave the hugs and greetings for later.

- You've been gone so long. I was worried, - Wang Jie only said, gesturing him to the table and then immediately poured him a cup of tea. - I was just about to drink tea.
- I've been to a few places, - Yibo answers, and not wanting to go into details, just takes a cup of tea and takes a sharp sip, which makes him feel how hot it burns not only in his throat, but also in his heart, which has already shattered into a million pieces.
- Were you with that man in white? - The younger brother suddenly adds and Yibo freezes with surprise.
- How do you know him? - He asks.
- When you left, I secretly followed you. Don't blame me, I was just worried about you. But then I saw you meeting a man in white that you stayed at a hotel with. And I thought you must be close, and if anything, you have him to protect you. So I went back home, - Wang Jie explains, his thoughts starting to revolve around the words "can protect you".
- Apparently he should be protected from me,- Yibo mutters, either in response or just to himself.
- Did you have a fight? - his didi is surprised to hear that.
- No. Because of me he is hurt now...

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