Pain and Goo(Goopiplier)

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marriage!Hamiplier x marriage!Goopton marriage!au 

tw// yelling, sad, crying, divorce, abuse, emotional manipulation

Knock knock knock..

A knock emanated from behind the door of Gooptons in the house office. "Sans..?" Ham said while pushing the door open. Goopton sat at his desk writing down something that wasn't of importance to Ham, he looked up briefly from his work and set his pen down. "Yes Ham..?" He asked and let out a sigh. Goopton never liked to be interrupted, especially this late at night during one of his more important study sessions. "I just put Nash down for the night, I wanted to see your face." she said and walked more into his office space. "Okay? Thanks." Goopton said this in a standoffish tone and he picked his pen back up and began to write. When Ham didn't leave the room he looked back up "Goodnight sweetie." He said in a monotone voice and began writing again. Ham felt as if she had been dismissed, this often happened. When she tried to check in on Goopton it often ended in a "goodnight" or "goodbye" maybe a "I love you" but very rarely. Ham would wait in bed afterwards and hope that it would be the night Goopton would come to bed and hold her while they slept. This night was different though. Ham didn't leave. "Why don't you come to bed, Goopy, you've been in here all day..." She sighed with an express amount of disappointment tracing her words. Goopton continued to write giving little to no mind to Ham. He was going to say something but Ham cut in again, "And, you haven't been sleeping in our bed. You've been in here working on god knows what, I see you maybe twice a day and that's when you come in to take the food that I made for me and OUR son." Ham rattled on about this trying to keep her tone nothing more than slightly condescending and her voice not even daring to near a yell. Goopton took a breath in to calm himself down. He set his pen down for the last time and looked up at his wife. "You have no idea what I'm going through right now." He said in a stern voice. Ham tried to cut in and Goopton stopped her. "No no, you absolutely have no clue what I'm doing right now, how hard I'm working, and how god damn important it is." Goopton had a slight aggression in his words as he looked deep into Ham's eyes. Ham was taken aback by this. This was the most the two had talked all week. Passing words in the hall or in the morning wasn't a conversation, a goodnight through the door of his office followed by a nod or grunt of acknowledgement wasn't a real goodnight.

"I have no idea?" Ham said coldly. "You think you're the only one whos doing anything around here because you're cooped up in your office. If you left every once in a while you'd notice the work I do to keep our house clean, to feed our son, to feed you even though its been months since we've had dinner as a family." She raised her voice a little and strained to keep eye contact with Goopton. Silence filled the room for only a few seconds before the sound of shifting as Goopton stood from his desk. It was an intimidating sight, him being so much taller than Ham along with the only light in the room was coming from a measly desk lamp. "Get out." Goopton said full stop. He walked to the front of his desk and Ham took a step back to create a distance between them. Though she stepped back she stood her ground. "What?" She said almost appalled. "I said, get out." He repeated in the same tone. Despite the fact he said it the same and it was veering on sounding monotone it felt more intimidating to Ham as he towered over her. "Goo-" Ham started, "No." Goopton interrupted. "You come in to my office when I am busy and you criticize me as a father, as a husband, and as a engineer. I need you to leave my office now." His tone became more aggressive rather than monotone. He crossed his arms and stood straight up continuing to tower over his wife who was now entirely in shock from anger. Hams mouth was open from a gasp and her hand clutched to her chest from the aforementioned shock. "Goopton- Do not speak to me that way." Ham said verbally putting her foot down. "I'll be damned if you are speaking to me this way in my house after the work I've done" Ham shouted this time trying to emphasize her point. "Oh now its your house? You say our our our until it comes to making me feel like shit!" Goopton raised his voice louder than Hams and took a step forward. This time Ham didn't cower back. She stepped forward too. If there wasn't such a large height difference between the two they might have been face to face at this point. "You have no fucking right to say this when I'm the one doing all the work-" Ham gets interrupted again, "So when you do work its fine but when I try and do things I get yelled at and treated like--" Goopton was cut off by Ham this time. Not by words but by a swift slap to the face. Hard enough for there to be an audible bounce from his goo and a residue left on Hams hand as she pulled it back.

The scene was something to see. Ham was breathing heavily, her hand still ever so slightly in the air, slime dripping from it. Goopton was standing with his head askew looking to the side from the force of the slap. They both stood like that for seconds before they went back to standard positions standing straight and looking into each other's eyes. Goopton moved his hand to fix his glasses on straight and rub the pain he had on his cheek. Ham gulped and tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. "Sanford I- '' Before Ham could continue the sentence, which was going to be some form of a half assed apology, Goopton pushed Ham to the side. Walking practically through her as she was shoved to the side. "I'm leaving." Was all he said while walking out of his office. Ham was taken aback from having been shoved and she tried following behind Goopton. "Sanford stop please I didn't mean it-" She rambled this tripping over her words as she followed behind her husband. Goopton headed to the front door, he grabbed his coat and swung it on, shoving his arms in and avoiding looking back at Ham. He blocked the noise coming from Ham, it felt as if everything he was hearing was clouded out. Ham yelling at him sobbing out an apology, the distant noise of crying from Nash's bedroom. Goopton pushed himself to walk to the bedroom door of the nursery and his hearing came back to him. Nash was screaming and crying from the ruckus of the late night noise. Goopton swaddled baby Nash and held him close, rocking and shooshing the baby. Ham stumbled in to the room still crying "What are you doing to my son!" She shouted her voice shrill and pained. "Our son Hamiplier OUR son" Goopton shouted over her as he held the baby close to his chest trying to muffle the crying and cover Nash's ears. "I'm leaving Ham. That's final." He said to shut her up. The room stood still. Goopton stormed out. Ham was left standing crying in the nursery as she could hear the car pulling out of the driveway. She was alone. Alone and in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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