Trip To Hogsmeade

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"We are glad you asked us to accompany you to Hogsmeade. We actually planned to extend an invitation to you ourselves. So your timing was perfect." Natsai says as the group is later headed to Hogsmeade.

"Well I'm glad you are both joining me as well. How much further is it to Hogsmeade?" Sarah asks.

"Not much further. We're at the bridge now." Alexis says as the group arrives at the bridge entrance to Hogsmeade.

"And we're here! It can be hard to know where to start. There's so much to explore." Natsai says as the group walks into Hogsmeade.

"That's true but that's why you have us here." Alexis says.

"Over there is the Three Broomsticks. You can get the best butter beer there. And you can get any kind of sweet you want at Honeydukes. I can never pick a favorite. They all have so many things to choose from." Natsai says.

"Here is your lait Sarah and the name of each shop. We are both excited to see what you'll do with a wand of your own." Alexis says as Natsai nods in agreement.

"We'll meet later in the town circle when you are finished. You should have some time explore after you get everything. Come find us when you are ready. Enjoy yourself. We will see you soon." Natsai says as she and Alexis walk off.


"I have everything. I see what you mean about not being able to pick just one shop. There's so many." Sarah says as she later finds Alexis and Natsai.

"Well then perhaps today is the day we'll finally pick one." Natsai says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Hey what's that sound? Is that a troll!?" Alexis asks in alarm as a troll comes running into the village before she, Natsai and some witches nearby fire spells at it only appearing to anger it.

"Bombarda! Draw it away from the buildings! Away from the village!" A voice shouts appearing to be Officer Singer as she and the other witches lead the troll away before another troll appears.

"Another troll!?" Natsai asks.

"Looks like this one is ours to deal with." Sarah says.

"Not like we got a choice." Alexis says as the group begins battling the troll.

"Keep at it! He's nearly down!" Natsai shouts before before the group beats the troll as Officer Singer comes running over.


"We are excited for you to try your first butterbeer Sarah. You're going to love it." Natsai says as the group is walking after having finished helped cleaning up the village circle.

"I'm excited too. It sounds delicious." Sarah says as she smiles.

"Is that Victor Rockwood?" Alexis asks as the group quietly follows Victor and hides behind a corner as they listen and watch him talk to an angry goblin.

"Let's go." Sarah says as she sees the goblin causing them to quickly run off.

"Did they see us?" Natsai asks as the group stops running.

"I don't think so." Sarah says.

"What would a goblin be doing with Victor Rockwood?" Alexis asks.

"Ranrok is working with Rockwood." Sarah says.

"Ranrok?" Alexis asks.

"The goblin from the Daily Prophet? I knew I'd seen him somewhere. Quickly! Let's get inside the Three Broomsticks." Natsai says as the group runs into the Three Broomsticks and sits down at the bar.

"Now what can I- Now there's a face I haven't seen before." Sirona says as she turns and sees the group.

"It's my first time here." Sarah says.

"Welcome. Butterbeer is on me. Heard about the attack. I shall be looking in on the other shopkeepers and residents shortly. Glad to see you escaped uninjured." Sirona says as she makes three butterbeers float toward the group.

"Thanks to this one." Alexis says as she smiles at Sarah.

"Single-handedly took down a troll." Natsai says.

"Is that right? Well done." Sirona says.

"Thank you for this." Sarah says.

"My pleasure. I will say trolls in Hogsmeade that has never happened before. Something's not right. The only brutes we've ever dealt with are- Lovely. How timely." Sirona says as Victor walks into the building with another man.

"Was that Lodgok I just saw leaving? Your clientele's not what it used to be Sirona." Victor says.

"Not to worry Victor. Once the two of you leave the caliber of my clientele will improve greatly. Wouldn't do that if I were you Theophilus." Sirona says as the other man prepares to draw his wand.

"Come now. No need for theatrics. I'm only here for this one anyway." Victory says as he gestures to Sarah before she, Alexis and Natsai stand up.

"My friend is enjoying a well earned butterbeer." Sirona says as Alexis steps close to beside Sarah while holding her wand in her pocket.

"I only want a quick word." Victor says.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said my friend is busy." Sirona says before everyone draws their wands toward Victor and Theophilus.

"One would think that you'd all enough bloodshed for one day. Come Theophilus. The Three Broomsticks isn't what it used to be. Let's take our Galleons elsewhere. Can't drink butterbeer forever." Victor says as he and Theophilus leave.

"It seems you've made an unfortunate enemy. Watch your back. Victor and Harlow are worse than any troll.

"You're not telling us something. With all that's happened today there's things you're keeping from us." Alexis says as she looks at Sarah.

"Yes and we want to know what they are." Natsai says.

"We promise to tell you everything but perhaps it's best to do that later." Sarah says.

"Alright fine. Meet us outside for now." Alexis says as she and Natsai go outside the building before Sarah comes out and over to them.

"I am certainly glad Sirona was there." Natsai says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"And that she isn't intimidated by things like Victor and Harlow." Sarah says.

"Yes. Who knows what would of happened if she hadn't of interfered." Alexis says.

"We want to understand what is going on and we do hope that you will tell us. But for now perhaps it is best if we return to the castle." Natsai says.

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