The Undercroft

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"Sebastian what is this about? For heaven's sake I need to study." Alexis says as she is waiting with Sebastian in the hallway.

"Chill Alexis. When Sarah gets here I'll explain." Sebastian says before he and Alexis see Sarah walk up.

"Sebastian, Alexis. It's been a while." Sarah says.

"It has. I'm glad you received my owl. I have something to show you." Sebastian says.

"First let me thank you for what you did in the library." Sarah says.

"Library? What happened in the library?" Alexis asks.

"Nothing." Sebastian says as Alexis looks at him unconvinced.

"Uh-huh. Anyway Sebastian what is this all about?" Alexis asks.

"We can talk in the Undercroft. Not even the professors know about this place. This way. There's a secret passage this way. It's well disguised." Sebastian says as he looks the group to a hidden passage way in an old clock.

"How did you find this place?" Sarah asks as the group follows Sebastian into the Undercroft.

"My friend Ominis Gaunt. He named it the Undercroft. We used to play Gobstones here all the time with my sister Anne. She loved that infernal game. What I wouldn't give to lose to her again." Sebastian says.

"Does Ominis know you brought us here?" Alexis asks as she looks at Sebastian.

"About Ominis he doesn't know. I swore to him that I would safeguard this place. So please keep this between us. He never confides in anyone. But he's trusted me since the day we met. I wouldn't jeopardize that." Sebastian says.

"At least he trust you. When I'm around all he does is gripe at me." Alexis says.

"He just needs to get to know you. Besides you're my sister. He'll come around." Sebastian says.

"Yeah. Sure he will." Alexis says.

"We used to sneak in here almost daily. We've never been caught." Sebastian says.

"I've met him once. I've noticed that he uses his wand to navigate around the castle." Sarah says.

"He does. No idea how though. Ominis was born blind. No spell could reverse it." Sebastian says.

"I feel bad for him sometimes. I couldn't image never seeing the beautiful wonders of the world because of that." Alexis says.

"He seems to be content Alexis so I wouldn't feel too bad. But his wand almost seems sentient. No surprise there though. Olivander always says the wand chooses the wizard." Sebastian says.

"Is that how he found this place?" Sarah asks.

"No. Someone in his family knew about it. The Gaunts are full of secrets. I've never heard anyone else speak of it and I've certainly never seen anyone else here. Again mention this to jo one especially Ominis. He has no love lost for his family or their secrets. But this place is special to him." Sebastian says.

"Understood. But why does Ominis feel that way about his family?" Sarah asks.

"His father's family are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. One of the four founders of Hogwarts. Obsessed with blood status most of them. Ominis cannot abide them as he'll be the first to tell you. The Undercroft has been the perfect place to get away from prying eyes or practice otherwise forbidden spells." Sebastian says.

Seeing Through Each Other's Eyes Hogwarts Legacy Ominis X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now