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"She's devastated. She and Alexis just buried your uncle alone." Ominis says as he and Alexis are in the Undercroft with Sebastian as Sarah comes over.

"I did it for her." Sebastian says.

"Sebastian don't you understand? Anne can't bear the thought of turning you in." Ominis says.

"And neither can I." Alexis says.

"What? Turn me in?" Sebastian asks in surprise.

"Yes Sebastian. You used a killing curse on your own family. I don't want to see you turned in but that was not one of your best choices." Alexis says.

"She saw what happened." Sebastian says.

"I'll give you some time to think Sebastian." Ominis says.

"So will I. I don't want to turn you in but what you did was wrong. I can't believe you did such a thing." Alexis says as she walks off with Ominis before Sarah walks over.

"Poor Sebastian." Ominis says.

"Alexis, Ominis I-" Sarah then gets cut off by Ominis.

"What a mess. I can't believe it. After we last saw you we went straight to Hogwarts but I sent Alexis back in case. Before I had the time to talk to Black I heard from Anne. I rushed to Feldcroft and found her with Soloman's body. She was beside herself with grief. Part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences. Another part can't bear the thought of it." Ominis says.

"We're not sure what to do here. It's gone too far." Alexis says.

"I don't want to lose Sebastian but I don't think we have a choice." Ominis says.

"We don't have a choice. You're right. You were right the entire time. You both were." Sarah says.

"I wish I hadn't been. If we do this we may never seen Sebastian again." Ominis says.

"I realize that but it's the right thing to do. He killed his uncle. We've tried to justify his actions every step of the way. But this has gone too far. It has to stop." Sarah says.

"Very well. Leave it to me. I'll tell the Headmaster." Ominis says.

*3 Week Timeskip*

"Alright you three. I got enough food for all of you. No need to fight for it." Alexis says as she is outside near the beast class feeding Nyx, Bandit and Serene.

"I see you're playing with your creatures." A voice says revealing to be Ominis.

"Oh Ominis. Um what are you doing out here?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Just thought I'd come and see how you were doing. How are you holding up?" Ominis asks.

"I'm holding. I still really miss him." Alexis says.

"I know. I do too." Ominis says as he sits down beside Alexis in the grass.

"I wish we hadn't had to do that." Alexis says sadly.

"So do I but we had no choice. But I did want to thank you." Ominis says.

"For what?" Alexis asks curiously as she looks at Ominis.

"For being there for me and standing by me through everything. It means a lot." Ominis says.

"Oh well that's what friends are for." Alexis says as she smiles kindly at Ominis.

"I haven't exactly been a very good friend to you." Ominis says.

"I know you don't mean it Ominis due to your home life and Sebastian lately didn't help matters much." Alexis says.

"Yes but I should have been kinder to you. And now you're all I have left." Ominis says.

"I thought you didn't care that much for me?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"That was a lie of sorts. I do care about you. I was just afraid to get attached to another person after Anne and now Sebastian is gone too. I don't want to lose you either. Especially not because of not being honest with you about how I feel." Ominis says shyly.

"What do you mean?" Alexis asks.

"I like you Alexis. As more than a friend. You're an incredibly kind person. I admire your kindness even when people don't deserve it. I've admired you for a while." Ominis says as he blushes.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Alexis asks as she blushes.

"Attachment concerns and partly pride. I've always acted so cold toward you I didn't want to hear it from Sebastian about liking his sister after how I've always acted around you." Ominis says.

"I like you too Ominis." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Really?" Ominis asks before Alexis kisses him.

"Of course." Alexis says happily.

"Well then perhaps after things have settled down a bit more would you perhaps like to accompany me on a date Alexis?" Ominis asks as he smiles.

"That sounds great Ominis." Alexis says happily.

Seeing Through Each Other's Eyes Hogwarts Legacy Ominis X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now