Catching up

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Bell and Elfy were lying next to each other on the broken roof of the church. One of their favorite activities to do together was watch the stars at night

Bell had his hands behind his head and one of his legs propped up. Elfy had her hands resting on her stomach with her legs dangling off the roof.

"So how was your expedition, ms big shot adventurer," Bell asked as he looked at Elfy.

Elfy turned her head to look at him and smiled. "It was, well, I wouldn't say it was fun, but I enjoyed myself. I went down all the way to floor 50. Sure, I was a supporter for most of it but 50 Bell. Can you believe it"

"50, really? Aren't you only a level 3" Bell asked as his head turned back to the stars.

Elfy did as well before speaking again. "I am. That's why I was in a supporter role. But being able to go that far down and see so much of the dungeon I didn't know about. It was exciting."

Bell shook his head as a smile appeared on his face. "Always the explorer type, weren't you."

A cool gust of wind blew past the two, causing Elfy to scoot closer to Bell. She got up right next to him, and Bell's right arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Remind you of old times," Bell commented.

Elfy turned to her side and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Yeah, when we were little and huddled together during winter by the fireplace."

"Yeah, lucky for us, it was built into this church. All we're missing now is the blanket," Bell joked.

Elfy laid her head on Bell's chest as Bell's other arm wrapped around her. The two laid there in silence, just enjoying each other's company. The two missed each other dearly and were happy to be with each other again.

The two had known each other for as long as they could remember. They had the same dream growing up, with the two wanting to become adventurers and dove into the dungeon together.

But sometimes dreams don't come true. While Elfy went on to join the Loki familia thanks to her magical aptitude. Bell wasn't some werewolf saying he was too weak.

But that didn't get him down. He'd just try again somewhere else. But again, he was rejected for looking too weak. So he tried again and again and was met with the same result. However, now he had something that would make him stronger and not bend to some god's will.

"Are you eating enough? Maria said you skipped out on another meal yesterday," Elfy asked.

"Kids need to eat so they don't go to bed hungry. Thomas and Light used to do the same thing for us before they got themselves killed," Bell explained.

Elfy let out a sigh as she snuggled into Bell more. "Bell, I know you feel as if you need to do everything for us. But you're not alone, and you can't provide if you pass out from hunger," Elfy told him, her voice serious.

"I know, Elfy. But if I can give those kids a full belly before they go to sleep. So they won't go to sleep hungry. I'll do it," Bell said, his voice full of determination and resolve.

Elfy just shook her head and closed her eyes. She didn't want to talk about this subject anymore. It's not that she hated all those who died in the dungeon to get them money. It was a selfless goal and quite admirable. She just didn't like to talk or think of the dead, as the memories were too painful.

"So you want to explain what familia did you join while I was away" Elfy cooed as she moved her head to rest on Bell's shoulder.

"Elfy, can you keep a secret," Bell asked, his voice serious.

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