Chapter 3- Mumbo's POV

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"Hide what?" Asks Grian as he comes out of the trees and just as a reaction I jumps hissing, my fangs coming out and my eyes glowing their red and Scar growls with his claws. Grian jumps with a gasp and I quickly cover my mouth. "Grian! Wh-" "You're a vampire and Scar is a werewolf?!" Grian yells interupting Scar. I quickly speed over to Grian covering his mouth with a shh! Grian leans on a tree frozen with fear... I could hear his heart pounding and I could smell the fear.

"Grian... Calm down... I can hear your heart racing and I don't like seeing you scared but we can't have you yelling and allerting everyone on the server what we are... Please Grian, we can explain it to you but just relax..." I say in a calm voice as Scar looks around. Grian calms and his heart rate slows with his breathing. "Grian we would never hurt you...On purpose that is..." Says scar with a nervous chuckle as I move my hands way from Grians mouth and give him space.

Grian is silent for a moment. "You-You're a Vampire M-Mumbo and a we-we-werewolf... I have t-t-to s-sit down..." Grian says sliding to the forest floor. "Why didn't you tell me!?" Asks Grian after a minute of silence. "We wanted to b-b-but we didn't know who we could trust... Who knows if there was a hunter chosen!?" Explains Scar as his nails go back to normal.

Grian looks at us with a hurt look in his eyes. "Even if I was a hunter do you think I would hurt you two!?" Asks Grian angrily. "N-No but...Grian we realy wanted to tell you but we couldn't risk it getting out across the server that we are...are...Monsters!" I say frustrated with myself. I trun away and grab my hair angrily before turning and punching a whole through a tree with a yell of frustration.

"Mumbo!" Yelled Scar and Grian. Scar grabs me and pulls me to him and holds me gentaly as I hang my head and pull away. "Mumbo... You guys aren't monsters... You're still my best friends Mumbo Jumbo and Scar... Just now you have creature powers!" Says Grian, standing. "I-I'm sorry..." I say looking at the tree with an embarressed chuckle. "I understand. you guys were confused and scared." Says Grian walking up to us.

"Yep... Did words apear for you?" Scar asks Grian and Grian smiles innocently. "Yep-ity yep... I am what is called a...(higher pitch voice) Trickster...(Normal voice) One of the few people chosen." Scar and I start to giggling then it turns to laughter and Grian also laughs. "Let me guess... You cause chayos amung the server or have abilities that allow you to?" Scar asks with a grin and Grian. "How'd you guess?"

I fall to the floor laughing. Once we calm we start making our way out of the woods. "Does everyone know about the fact there are creatures or is it just the creatures who know?" I ask and Grian sighs. "Everyone knows there are monsters but not everyone is a monster and noone knows I'm a monster."

I nod before Scar says "Let's go to my place." Grian and I nod in aggrement. "Are there...Hunters?" I ask as we head to Scars once hut now massion. "...Yes... But only two luckily. I don't know who though." Grian says when the chat starts spamming with Doc. Scar and I hide are monster.


<Doc> Everyone meating in mittle of the shopping district!!!

<Iskall> What fo?

<Doc> You will see :)

<Ren> :|


I guess getting to Scars can hold off. We turn around and make our way to the meating where everyone stands around Doc and Tango.

"What is this?" Asks Etho and Doc grins mischievious. "We all know there are creatures around the server, me and Etho are the hunters... We plan on peace for now but we want you all to come out so we can figure out what the different creatures are...Anyone?" Doc asks but no one steps up. I can hear peoples hearts racing including my own.

"No one?" Asks Tango with a grin himself thats when he holds his hand out with a dager in the other. "If there is a vampire they must be fiesting on animal so they are incredibly blood deprived in the sence that animal blood isn't the most supportive when their hungry." Says Tango cutting his hand. I can smell the blood and suddenly without thinking my fangs come out, my eyes start glowing, and I'm next to Tango holding his hand in mine while sniffing the air around his hand.

Everyone gasps except Doc and Tango as I lick the blood from his hand. "Mumbo!" Grian and Scar yell snapping me out of my trance. I shake my head as my eyes stay red but stop glowing. I gasp pushing Tango away and I step back licking the bood from my mouth and looking at the blood that had dripped to the floor. "Found you..." Doc says as Grian and Scar run up to me.

"Mumbo, this must have been hard to hide. I'm guessing from the lack of shock in Grian and Scar they already knew... As to be exspected. If I'm right Scar ad Grian are also chosen." Says Doc. Tango grabs a blood bag from his bag and throws it to me. I catch it and smell it to find out it's filled with Doc's blood. Tango wraps the cut on his hand.

"What monsters are you?" Asks Tango to Grian and Scar, Grian goes to answer but Scar steps forward growling as his haor grows wild, his eyes go straight and his nails turn to claws. "Grian isn't a monster! We are! I'm a werwolf-Happy?!" Yells Scar irritated. Doc and Tango grin crazily.  I hold the blood in hand when Tango says "Eat up mumbo, can't have you starving to death can we?"

I'm hesitant but dig my fangs into the bag, draining all of it before throwing the bag to the side with a deep breath and a fealing of releaf as my eyes flicker a red glow. "Now Grian is it true, you're not one of the four creatures chosen?" Doc asks. Grian looks at us as I sit on the ground, looking at the ground. "I...I'm the Trickster... I'm one of the chosen!" Grian yells and more people gasp. Scott Steps forward saying "I'm the sorcerer..." I look at them in shock. So does everyone else.

Doc steps forward holding a book. "That's all we needed, we new that if one monster were to be brought out the others would step out on their own. Good luck to you all!" Yells Doc when suddenly the two dissipear in a puff of smoke.

We turn and look at everyone else who gives us looks of fear or amazement and curriosity. "This will be fun..." Says Scott in an annoid voice. I can't help but have my thoughts pulled to the taste of other peoples blood. "I'm starving..." I say aloud making everyone look at me as my eyes start to glow. I shake my head and my vampire dissipears. I stand and walk past everyone, they follow me with their eyes and move out of the way as I walk with my hands in my pockets.

"Find Tango and Doc..." Says a voice in my head...whispering to me and for some reason I find myself doing as it says... Finding Doc and Tango.

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