Part two

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*some time later*
The surface of Uranus rumbelled.
Butch, exhaustively opened his eyes, poop still dribbling out of his bum (at a decreased pace of course, like a small stream)
He stood up, and off of the ground and looked at the destruction of diarrhoea.
The entire sky around him was filled with poop, just floating around.  He continued to look around, he mourned for the loss of his owner Zoe, the church choir, and the billions of lives on earth that were lost in the disaster.  However in the midst of all of this thought something awakened inside of him, not just another rumble in his stomach but also the beginnings of his villain arch.  Butch realised how much he enjoyed the killing rampage, he loved thinking back on all the death he caused. His poop erupted again, creating a reaction similar to a rocket getting launched into space. He made his way to the sun. As the journey progressed, Butch developed his own magnetic shit field, complete with his own shit atmosphere. The pull which came from the mass of his now shit-osphere and magnetic field resulted in some of the planets losing their orbit around the sun and instead orbiting him. He continued on this path until he finally made it to the sun. Butch commanded his shit to attack the sun. Poop shot out of his bum like a shitty machine gun with unlimited ammunition. Upon fire, the sun began to expand before finally being put out and destroyed by the sheer mass of shit that was propelled at it. The sun finally died.
Almost feeling complete, Butch made his way to a black hole, which his shit engulfed, following that he made his way to Andromeda, which his shit also destroyed.
Butch continued throughout the galaxy, like a never ending game of pac man he gobbled up and destroyed every planet, star, and galaxy in his path.
Soon, with nothing left to destroy, he simply put all his power into his poop, he flew throughout the cosmos gaining more and more speed.
He soon approached the speed of light itself, and just as he did, WACK!
Turns out the universe does have an end, because butch just got splattered onto it.
Having been travelling more than 300,000 km a second, he was flattened.
I know how Newton said stuff can't be created or destroyed, but Butch was the exception. He was OBLITERATED, there was no possible way, not even the slightest tiniest fraction of a chance that any part of him, NOT EVEN THE TINIEST ELECTRON THAT MADE UP BUTCH COULD BE SALVAGED.
And that's the end, Butch is dead, the sun is dead, everyone on earth is dead, so, yay.

Butch the dog with diarrhoea Where stories live. Discover now