Part three

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Turns out, not everyone did die, by some amazing stroke of luck Japan's prime-minister, Fumio Kishida, had survived the whole ordeal living in his underground bunker.
What I failed to mention in the previous two parts was that Butch was a product of one of Francis' experiments (deadpool reference) and similar to the big ol'e red man himself (AKA deadpool) he had super healing abilities too! And so the story begins again. The fragments of butch scattered across one of the four walls of the universe were impossible to put together again, however, one plump chunk of his brain was able to start growing back.
After a couple of days butch had begun to start reconstructing. Whilst he was in the 'baby phase' Kishida decided to begin his lifelong goal, getting revenge (Butch was American).
Despite Japan's antinuclear policy, Kishida had been constructing some little nuclear toys of his own, just waiting for the right time to use them.
Amongst his collection was a very special Hydrogen Bomb!! (which Kishida liked to call Hayden, don't ask why). Taking his own private rocket, which was built with all that fancy japanese tech shit, made his way to the corner of the universe in which Butch was present. By the time he arrived, Butch was at the 'adolescent' phase, (he needed to get to the adult phase to unleash his shitty power)
Kishida got the bomb ready, using his super Japanese skills, he attached a Hello Kitty timer to the bomb, and set it for 5 minutes, to make sure he had enough time to quickly leave.
He began the count down and quickly blasted away from the area.
When the area was finally clear, and all that was left was fragments of a now, very dead dog, Kishida came back with his spaceship, and grabbed what he could find of Butch's brain, he sealed it in a jar so that even if he were to start growing back, he would die, because there'd be no oxygen, heheheheheh.
He threw the jar into a nearby black hole and sped off back home to earth.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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