Reborn in a World of Sea!

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"Izuku, wake up. It's morning already," a gentle and lovely voice roused Izuku from his slumber as he rose from his bed and stretched his small body.

"I'm up, Makino. I'll be down in a second," Izuku replied, rubbing his eyes. Then he walked to the dresser in the room and gazed into the mirror. Looking back at him was a 5-year-old boy with green hair and innocent green eyes.

Yes... he was exactly who you think he is, Izuku Midoriya, the hero in training, ninth wielder of One for All, the boy who saved Japan... more specifically, the boy who died while saving Japan, only to wake up in a different world, inhabiting the body of his five-year-old self.

One month ago, when he woke up in this body, he panicked because he didn't know where he was or what was exactly going on. Then, an overwhelming flood of information assaulted his brain, filling his mind with memories and information from both his old and new life, which caused him to develop a high fever for a week. This made the people around him worried, and he was forced to take complete bed rest for a week.

During that week, he processed all the old and new information that was now living rent-free in his mind. First of all, he sorted out the memories from his previous life and found out that he remembered everything that happened to him in that life. He recalled the visit to the doctor where his dreams were crushed, his declining friendship with Kacchan, meeting All Might on that roof, and their subsequent meeting after he saved Kacchan, where he heard the words that changed his life. 

He remembered attending U.A., his friends, teachers, villains, and the various incidents they caused, ...Eri, ...the Liberation War, ...his vow to save Shigaraki, ...the villain hunt, ...All for One's words, his friends came to take him back to U.A., and finally, the final war where he lost his life after dealing the final blow to All for One.

Each and every detail from his previous life was crystal clear as if all of those 16 years had happened yesterday. The more he remembered those memories, the more his heart clenched, longing for his old life and friends. It took him a few days, but eventually, he managed to convince himself that there was no point in crying for something that was out of his reach. After calming himself down, he shifted his focus to the memories of this new world.

His name in this new life was Monkey D. Izuku. At first, he wondered why he had a similar name and looked frighteningly similar to his old self, but then he decided not to think about it too much because it was the least strange thing that had happened to him so far.

Since he was only five years old, his knowledge of this new world was limited to some basic information. He knew that he was currently in Foosha Village, situated on Dawn Island in the East Blue. He found himself in an additional room of a bar, managed by a kind lady named Makino, who honestly reminded him of his mom.

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, and the green-haired lady, Makino, peeked inside, smiling at Izuku. "Izuku, Mr. Garp is here. Come down quickly, or he'll come here and destroy the door in the process," she said, playfully adding the last part before heading back downstairs to attend to the bar missing the fond smile Izuku had on his face.

"Grandpa is here, huh?" Izuku said as he changed his clothes. Garp, the man Makino had just mentioned, was his grandpa and a Marine. He was the only family member Izuku could find in his memories. When he first discovered this fact, he couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating chuckle, reflecting on how the absent parent was the only consistent thing in both worlds.

Oh, are you wondering what a Marine is? Well, Marines are the law enforcement in this world, responsible for apprehending pirates—yes, real pirates with skull flags and all. Upon learning this information, all Izuku could do was sigh. From what he had read in the newspaper so far, he knew that this world was bound to be even more chaotic than his old one.

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