Quirk Quirk no Mi!

763 51 14

Sometime before Izuku woke up, Makino and Uta could be seen in Makino's bar. The former was working behind the bar while the latter was sitting at one of the tables, looking gloomy and sad.

"Uta, will you stop sulking now?" Makino asked, letting out a tired sigh as she glanced at the little ten-year-old who had been acting like this ever since yesterday.

"But Izuku still hasn't woken up," Uta lamented, her frustration evident as she slammed her forehead onto the table. "I really shouldn't have pressured him into eating that Devil Fruit."

'No, you shouldn't have,' Makino retorted in her mind; however, she didn't say it out loud. Honestly, she really wanted to give an earful to Uta for forcing her little brother to eat some weird fruit. However, she held herself back, knowing that reprimanding Uta wouldn't improve Izuku's condition or the overall situation.

"So, where's your father and his crew?" Makino interjected, attempting to shift Uta's focus.

"They set sail early this morning," Uta answered. "They fitted a new sail yesterday and wanted to give it a trial run," she added, casting a glance at the clock. "Although they should've returned by now."

"I'm sure they must have made a pit stop for a drink," Makino suggested.

"Yeah, sounds about right," Uta agreed, knowing how much her father and his crew loved partying.

Just then, the door of the bar burst open with a resounding crash, and a couple of men entered, led by a tall, tan-skinned man with black hair, a black goatee, and a lecherous grin across his face.

"So, this is the place where you were humiliated and kicked out of," the leader jeered, his laughter echoing in the room.

"Yeah, this is the place," one of the men in the group said, gritting his teeth and ducking his head in shame. Then he directed his venomous glare at Makino as he walked towards the bar. "Hey! Where is that green-haired brat!?"

'Why are they asking about Izuku?' Makino thought to herself, wondering and fearing what these men want with her little brother. "No, he is not here right now."

"Don't give me that crap!" the man bellowed, sweeping his sword across the bar, shattering the neatly arranged bottles. "Hand over the brat, or else," he threatened, pressing the blade against Makino's throat.

"Now now, calm down. You don't want to damage the goods like her," the man leading the group said as he walked towards Makino, the lecherous smile never leaving his face. "I am sure all of you will like to take turns once I, the great Higuma, am done with her."

"Fine, boss, if you say so," the man said, retracting his sword.

"However, that green-haired brat still insulted one of my men, and I can't let that slide," Higuma narrowed his eyes at Makino. "That's why, before we leave this stupid place, we are going to make an example out of her," he said, grabbing Makino by the hair and starting to drag her outside.

In that moment, Uta lunged forward, grasping at Higuma's leg in a desperate attempt to stop him. "Leave her alone!" she shrieked with all her power.

"Insolent brat," Higuma sneered, delivering a brutal blow to Uta's head with the hilt of his sword, knocking her out.

"Uta!" Makino screamed, seeing Uta get struck by the sword.

"Are you really wasting your time worrying about that brat?" Higuma taunted, his laughter echoing through the bar. "Well, whatever. Once I break you, you won't be thinking about anything at all," he said as he dragged her outside the bar.

A few moments later, Uta regained her senses as her mind caught up to the recent events. As soon as she did, the wind violently stormed out of her body, creating a mess of furniture and glass bottles around her.

Monkey .D. Izuku!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora