A Rude Awakening!

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Two months have passed since the Gray Terminal incident and Sabo's tragic demise. The pain of losing someone so close to them still lingers in their hearts, yet the brothers understand that life must continue. Nevertheless, the passing of their third brother has undeniably affected Izuku and Ace, a fact evident as it showed in how it affected and altered their daily lives.

Ace has significantly intensified his training since he was the most affected by Sabo's death. The determination to honor his brother's memory and fulfill his dream compelled Ace to push past his limits every day. In an attempt to better himself, Ace followed Izuku's example and began delving into books about the sea and the world, since he was dead set on setting sail in three years when he turns eighteen.

Izuku himself wasn't slacking off either as he too was steadily developing each day little by little. Though he hadn't known Sabo for as long as Ace had, Sabo was still his brother, and news of his death had shaken him all the same. Sabo's demise also served as an eye-opener, making him realize that the world he was reborn into was vastly different from his old world, possibly much more deadly and brutal.

The aftermath of Sabo's death only reinforced his belief about this world as he felt utter disgust upon learning that the person who killed his brother walked away without facing any consequences, even celebrated for three days near the very place where Sabo was shot down. Adding to the pain, Sabo's family completely ignored his death, as if someone like him never existed in the Goa Kingdom. No one searched for his corpse, nor was there any funeral to honor his memory. The tragedy was swept under the rug, treated as if it never occurred, while life continued as usual for them.

Amidst all of this, Izuku encountered a name 'Celestial Dragon'... a name that stuck with him and started bothering his conscience, causing a disgusting itch every time that name flashed through his mind. So, to get rid of that itch Izuku did what he did best and started finding information about it. 

Honestly, what he discovered really disgusted him to his core. Celestial Dragons, also known as World Nobles, stand as the apex members of the world government. Their word is law, and there is no authority in the world that can judge their actions. They can go anywhere, kill anyone, enslave people, and nothing can stop them from doing so. Of course, all of this wasn't written in any book or paper. He learned about these things primarily from people, especially Dadan, whose words dripped with spite and venom whenever she mentioned them.

However, the most unsettling revelation for him was the realization that the Marines operated under the World Nobles. How could this be? Weren't the Marines supposed to uphold law and order, to represent justice? How could serving under such people be considered justice? No, there had to be more to this, Izuku reasoned. His grandfather was a Marine, a good person, a hero. There had to be another side to this story. Why would someone like his Grandpa serve cruel people like them? All he can do right now is wait for his grandpa to return and ask some questions.

At that time, Izuku rationalized his thoughts, but little did he know that his trust in the Marines had already begun to wane... a crack had already formed in his dream of becoming a Marine.


It was another bright and peaceful day in Foosha Village, and Izuku was assisting someone at the docks when he spotted a Marine ship approaching the port. After a few minutes, the ship docked, and a familiar voice called out, "Izuku!" Looking up, Izuku saw his Grandpa Garp standing at the edge of the deck, grinning down at him. Garp leaped down and enveloped Izuku in a tight hug, "How is my little Marine doing?"

"I'm good... I guess," Izuku replied, his voice sounding a bit off, noticed by Garp, who chose to let it slide for the now.

"Good to hear!" Garp gave Izuku's back a reassuring pat.

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