Translations for last chaper

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Sorry it took me so long I don't open wattpad like that💀and when I do it'd for 3 seconds


"yes, you didn't receive the group chat messages"

"man i haven't added him, pav told me gwen was supposed to add me but she never did." ( this one was supposed to say "no man i haven't been added then the rest about pav and gwen)

"i told that little emo to add you sorry"

"I know they're together, Sunshine, but they've been distractions. I was going to let them work together after 2 days, but Hobie told me he wanted a break."
(This one was supposed to say something bout Miles and Hobie being distracted while they are out on missions together but he was gonna let miles and hobie work together after them being apart for 2 days)

Some of these are messed up but yeahh translations sorry it's half assed I been tired as slipping

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