Part. 11

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She came over, giving the two a warm smile. Mainly Kentrell, but Isla wasn't bothered. She was sure they knew eachother or something. He did say he had been here more than a couple times after all. Kentrell told the girl what he wanted, a rib tip combo with dirty fries, before asking Isla, who was still in the menu. After a few minutes of still not finding anything, Kentrell suggested she get a king cake cheesecake Sunday. The girl took their orders and left. She let the waitress walk all the way off before answering his previous question.
"I used to shoot music videos for Von and his friends back home. It was fun, they even used to let me help write sometimes, but I don't know if I'd ever take it serious, just something I want under my belt I guess. You make music?" Kentrell nodded.
"Yeah, I might need you to record something for me one day." He smiled at the girl, finally finding something that they could both relate to. She smiled back, looking down shyly.
"I'd like that, I haven't done it in a while." He couldn't help but feel more and more drawn to the girl.
"Ight, next question. What you do in yo free time?" He asked, taking a sip from his fruit punch. She sat back, looking like she was in deep thought.
"I don't really do anything. I like to read. Sometimes I upcycle clothes when I'm bored. I used to customize shoes, too. I mainly bake, though. You?" Kentrell nodded, finding everything she was telling him interesting. She was really like a jack of all trades.
"Upcycling? What's that? And I write songs, I be drawing sometimes. I really like to take my lil siblings out. I rather spend my free time with them over anything, I try to do shit we can do together. They still kids so I try to show and teach them shit I didn't know or get growing up." The waitress came back, setting the food with it's respective person. He picked up a rib tip immediately, sucking it off the bone. Isla didn't miss the way his eyes lit up as he talked about his siblings. Even though he didn't say much, she could feel his adoration for them.
"It's like taking old clothes and turning it into something new. It's cute how talk about your siblings, I can tell you love them a lot. How many do you have?" He smiled, looking off with them in mind.
"Yea, they my lil Slimes. I got three, Kayden, Kacey, and Armani. They like my kids, muhfuckers bad as hell." He laughed. Isla caught herself smiling at the boy, his laugh was infectious.
"It's just you, Von, and Melly?" He questioned, snapping her from her daze with him. She snorted, realizing that he thought Mel was really her brother from the other night. She couldn't fault him for thinking that, when they were in town he was always with Von.
"It's just me and Von, Melly isn't our blood brother. He's just been around us for a long time, my nyny raised him." Kentrell lifted a brow.
"Yo nyny?" He asked, confused. Isla laughed.
"My grandma, boy." He made an "o" shape with his mouth, leaning back. He grabbed a few fries, stuffing his face.
"My granny raised me, too, so I understand. If you was down here with Von everytime he came, why I never seen you? I used to see that nigga everywhere, we played ball together and some mo'." Isla shrugged.
"I was always in the house." Kentrell nodded, content with the answer.
"Next question, do you ever want kids?" He asked, smacking away at the rib tips and fries. Isla laughed at the question until he looked up at her, waiting on an answer. She stopped, her face dropping.
"Oh, you're serious?" His expression was plain, eyes never leaving hers.
"Do it look like I'm playin?" He asked. The girl cleared her throat, tearing her eyes away from him and going back to the piece of hair at her nape. Kentrell smacked his lips, leaning forward to swat her hand away.
"Stop that shit, forreal. You making the back of my neck hurt with all that twisting." He said, aggravated. He leaned back into his seat, going back to his food.
"Now answer." Isla looked down in her lap, wringing her fingers. The idea of kids was nice, she couldn't lie, she actually wanted to be a mother one day more than anything else, but Sheyaa had drilled it into her mind that no one would want kids with her; Including him. The memory of what he said flooding her mind as she fought so desperately not to reach up and damn near yank the piece of hair out. Kentrell could sense that the topic was sore for her, so he waved it off.
"If you don't wanna answer-"
"I do. I want two, a boy and a girl." She cut him off. He smiled to himself, looking at the girl in front of him. He seen how she tried to portray herself as confident, but in reality she was shy and timid. Or maybe she was just like that with him.
"Why?" He asked, reaching over for her ice cream. She hadn't even touched it yet and it looked good to Kentrell. He knew it was good, it was his favorite thing on the menu. Taking notice of the boy trying to get her food, she slid it to him, asking if he wanted some. He nodded greedily as she passed him the spoon as well.
"So they'll always have eachother. Do you want any?" Kentrell lowered the spoon from his mouth and pursed his lips.
"Yea, I want a lot of em with the same babymomma. Ion want my kids scattered all around." He said, finally putting the spoon into his mouth.
"What made you realize you wanted kids?" It was Isla's turn to ask questions now. He picked around at the ice cream, finding the bits of king cake and eating them.
"I don't know. I thought I had one once upon a time. I guess that feeling of excitement... I want it again, but for something that's actually mine next time." He didn't elaborate any further and he didn't need to. His body language said it all. The girl used context clues to put together what he was getting at. She gave a small "oh" before picking up another spoon and dipping into the ice cream herself. Kentrell on the other hand was in his head, not really paying attention to the outside world at the moment. He was thinking about how Jania had lied to him. When Melly and Von had told Isla that he had a girlfriend, they weren't necessarily lying. Kentrell did have one, but what no one knew is that he had left the girl not even two months ago, they just hadn't made their breakup public. Jania was pregnant, almost three months, and it wasn't Kentrell's. He had thought long and hard about just accepting the child and staying with her since he really didn't want to have to see her struggle by herself, but when he found out that she had no idea at all who the father was because of how many people she had been cheating with, the offer was off the table and so was Kentrell. He didn't leave the girl publicly because he was embarrassed, but more than anything he was hurt. Not because she had cheated, they both had their faults when it came to that, but at the fact that she was really indulging in all of these men. When he cheated, that's all it was, to fuck and dip and get his lick back against the girl since she started it off. When she cheated, she invested her emotions into whoever it was, and with it being so many people, she didn't know where her heart was anymore and Kentrell couldn't handle not being the only person she was in love with.
"-ou good?" The small voice shook him from his thoughts. He looked in front of him, the girl staring back in concern.
"I asked if you were okay." He nodded, pushing the ice cream back towards her and stacking his plates.
"You ready? I can get you one of them to go, it's melting anyway." He asked, trying to clean the area a little to make it easier when they girl came to pick up behind them. She nodded, following suit. The two got up, Kentrell paying for their food and her another ice cream quickly. Isla thought the shift in his mood was strange, but she didn't want to intrude on his feelings so she left it alone, making their way to the park.

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