Chapter 7

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"So you do bleed,"
Midoriya chuckled as the blood slowly fell into Ricardo's eye, wiping it off, the champ was assaulted with a barrage of jabs, hooks and straights immediately.

But he was not the champ of the world for no reason, Ricardo, blocked, parried, rolled and slipped almost every striking with only a single jab landing out of the 30 strike onslaught.

Although nothing landed, Ricardo still felt the same feeling that Aoi felt, it was as if he was in a pitch black room with two eyes looking down upon him.
'A lesser man would fall to such a foe,'
Ricardo thought to himself parrying a straight and attempting to return with a jab, even fully extended the champ was inches away from landing on Midoriya.

On the same note, even with his reach advantage Midoriya was no closer to landing than Ricardo,
Throwing a hook, it was rolled by Ricardo as effortlessly stepped in cutting the distance between them.

It was finally time for the champion to go on the offensive. He started off with a jab that knocked Midoriya head back, followed by a straight that busted Midoriya's nose.

A hook that landed on the young boxer's rib caused Midoriya to curl up as Ricardo landed a hellious upper cut that set him straight up.

Although Midoriya had practice, defensive boxing, the difference of a retired shell of himself heavyweight boxer and a prime featherweight world champion was massive. Ricardo's strikes were thrown faster than Midoriya could blink, and too fast for his eyes to keep up.

Shelling up Midoriya was completely on the defensive, he felt as if he was a fawn surrounded by wolves. Ricardo broke through his shell with a picture perfect fundamental jab, followed through with a heavy straight sending the boy's head back before Ricardo level changed and hammered a hook into Midoriya's rib cage causing the boy to lose his breath as he bent over.

The champ was not finished he shot an upper cut straight through Midoriya's crunched face, sending the boy reeling back. The champ followed swiftly through several sharp hooks landing every where, tearing into Midoriya's ribs, ripping into his face and even bruising the boy's arms as he attempted to cover up.

Ricardo thought little of Midoriya, walking in without effort and wailing on him, but his arrogance or the underestimation of Midoriya came back to bite him.

Throwing a hook to the liver, Ricardo left his jaw open for only a second as he tried to put power into the blow, but Midoriya took the shot on the elbow and sent a missile straight down the middle.

The shot landed flush dazing the champ as a demonic grin formed on Midoriya's face, without hesitation and as if he wasn't just taking a pounding Midoriya came to life and launched a series of jabs and straights.

For the first time in years, Ricardo Martinez was dazed.
For the first time in years the strongest in the world was vulnerable.

But one does not gain the title of the strongest without facing hardship, Ricardo gritted his teeth, and parried, rolled, slipped and blocked every strike.

There was a reason why the strongest in the world was named Ricardo Martinez,
Because he is the best there ever has been.

Ricardo parried a strike stepped in and released an overhand that leveled Midoriya completely stunning the boy.

The two locked eyes as Midoriya stumbled like a new born fawn, looking into his eyes Ricardo saw a burning flame of rage, youth and passion, a forest fire personified. On the other hand Midoriya saw calm and powerful ocean in Ricardo's eyes before suddenly a storm hit.

Ricardo laid Midoriya out with a series of 10 strikes, a jab, straight, lead hook, power hook, lead upper cut, overhand, lead hook, power hook, jab and to finish the war torn boy a straight down the middle connecting perfectly on the jaw as Midoriya crumbled to the floor like a sac of potatoes.

In the few seconds of consciousness that Midoriya had left, he stared up to Ricardo who looked down upon him. In this moment, he realized what makes a champion a champion, the ruthless pursuit of the finish, to go after the opponent until he is nothing more than a broken man in a puddle of his own blood.

Ricardo had won the war but Midoriya had taken two of the battles, the cut above Ricardo's eyes still leaked blood and the missile that had landed on Ricardo's jaw drawer blood.

Wiping it off, the champion of the world looked satisfied, 'He will truly be a great contender in the future,' Ricardo thought to himself as his team now flood onto him trying to clean him off as they dragged Midoriya away.

Ricardo's Manager Bill Stewart shouted as the team looked at Midoriya's scarred and bloodied face.

Arriving soon after a set of police officers escorted Midoriya away.

"So champ what did you think of him,"
One of Ricardo's cornermen questioned as they watched Midoriya's unconscious body be taken away.

"I have been champ for many years but today I have faced my greatest challenger,"
Ricardo explained, his crew mates looked stunned, "Even better then Alfredo?"
One questioned as Ricardo merely nodded his head.

"That boy is dangerous, he will challenge for my title one day,"


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