Part 6

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I woke up to find myself in toms t shirt, i looked under it and realised i only had my underwear under, i quickly got up and out on some shorts.

I walked downstairs to see the whole band sitting there except tom, "good morning sleeping beauty" bill smiled.

"morning" i groaned sitting down, "where's tom?" i asked, "is this about last night?" bill said, "what about last night?" i asked confused.

"doesn't matter u should go talk to him, he's in his room" bill smiled, "okay i'll be back in a min" i said getting up and walking to toms room.

I knocked on the door, "come in" he shouted out, i walked in to find him taking of his shirt, "bro u literally said come in, why are u changing?" i said turning around.

"i thought u were bill or smth, but u can turn back around" he replied and i did, "so why r u in here?" he asked, "i don't know actually, bill said i should talk to u about last night or something" i said.

"okay well u should sit" he said patting his bed, i went over and sat beside him, when he looked at me, he looked worried.

"what the fuck happened to ur face?" he said touching under my eye, "what?" i said getting up and going in the bathroom to look in the mirror.

When i looked at the mirror, i had a black eye, tom came in, "what happened last night?" i asked now worried.

"well we had a bet that if u couldn't drink 7 shots or smth u had to kiss me, and u lost so we kissed then u got dragged away, and when u came back it looked like u had been crying, and u were asking me shit like if ur useless and ugly and shallow n all" he explained.

"w-wait what?" i asked, "WE FUCKING KISSED!??" i shouted, "june it was just a bet" he replied, "no no no, fucking wayne, what am i supposed to do" i said pacing around.

"we don't have to tell him" tom said grabbing my arms, that's when i started to remember everything from last night.

It was exactly how tom described it, Wayne was the one who hit me, and said everything to me, that's it im done with him.

"i have to go" i said running into my room, "june wait open the door" tom said knocking, "go away tom" i shouted getting changed.

That's when someone walked in, "tom i said g- WAYNE?!!" i shouted when i turned around, "what r u doing here?" i asked, "i wanted to see u" he smiled.

"are u being fucking serious?!" i shouted, "what's wrong baby" he asked hugging me, "get the fuck of me" i said leaving the room and going downstairs.

"june what's wrong?" bill asked, "i-i don't know, i need to fuc-" i said pacing around again, wayne walked in.

"baby let's just talk" he said walkinf towards me, "no wayne, u stay away from me" i said walking back, that's when i banged into someone.

I turned around to see tom, "sorry" i said walking away from everyone again, i sat down on the couch and heard a whole lot of shouting from the kitchen.

Wayne walked towards me again, "WAYNE I SAID GO AWAY PLEASE" i shouted startung to tear up, "baby what's wrong, what did i do?" he asked.

"what is wrong with u, i'm not ur fucking baby, we're done" i said standing up and going to leave, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"wayne let go" i said trying to pull out of his grip, but he kissed me, i couldn't pull away tho, he was holding me really tight.

I kicked him in the balls and he fell to the ground, "fuck u" i shouted goinf back to the others, "get him out" i said pointing to wayne on the ground.

Gustav and georg got wayne out of the house, "june honey, what's happened please talk to me" bill said hugging me and that's when i broke down.

"it's okay, i'm here don't worry" he said rubbing my back, "i h-hate him, b-bill" i cried, "june what the fuck did he do" tom shouted.

"as if u care" i said, "I DO CARE, IM THE OKE WHO BROUGHT U HOME LAST NIGHT, CUDDLED U TILL U FELL ASLEEP" he shouted, "w-wait what?" i asked.

"yeah, now please tell us what he did" tom said kneeling down to me and bill, "h-he abused me, we weren't even dating for a week yet and he already fucking h-hit me and said stuff to me" i cried and that's when i got a hug from tom.

I buried my head into his chest, while he put his hands though my hair while i cried, "i'm gonna go get u some food" bill said getting up.

"i'm not hungry" i said, "june u need to eat" he said, "I SAID IM NOT HUNGRY OKAY" i shouted, "im sorry, i didn't mean to shout" i said, "it's okay, i understand" he said

I got up from tom and went to my room, i just stayed in my bed all day crying, i mean how could he do this to me, he was my bestfriend before, and now, he's just not anything.

907 words

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