Part 8

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I woke up and felt arms around me, i turned around to see tom, sleeping, i got butterflies and smiled at him, "stop staring" he said in a sleepy voice and i jumped and ended up falling on the ground.

"dont fucking scare me like that" i said getting up, "come back" he whispered, "um okay" i said lying back down beside him, and he immediately put his arms back around me.

"what time is it" i whispered, "idk" he said back, and he opened his eyes then got his phone from his pocket, "3" he said looking at me.

We made eye contact for a few minutes until i looked down blushing, i tried to fall asleep again but i couldn't, i looked up at tom to see him alredy looking at me.

"can't sleep?" he asked, "no" i said closing my eyes again, he started playing with my hair and that made me start to get tired again.

He stopped and i looked up at him to see him asleep, i was kinda annoying because i was so close to falling asleep and now i'm just wide awake.

"tom" i whispered, "hmm" he mumbled, "can u keep doing that to my hair please" i said, "mhm" he mumbled and started playing with my hair again.

I ended up falling asleep again.

// time skip //

I started to wake up and noticed i was alone, tom was no longer here and neither was the band, i walked into the kitchen to see them all eating.

"what time is it" i asked sittinf down, "um it's kinda half 8 and we have school" bill said, "WHAT OMG IM GONNA BE SO LATE" i shouted running upstairs.

I got ready and rushed downstairs, i didn't even bother putting on makeup i would just do it in the car, "okay u ready?" bill asked and i nodded.

We all got in georgs car, i sat in the back getting out my makeup bag, i realized there wasn't a mirror, "shit" i said, "what's wrong now" tom asked.

"there's no mirror back here, and i also have no space to put mine" i replied, "i'll hold it" tom said and i looked at him, "acc" i asked "yea" he said grabbing it and holding it up.

"thanks" i said getting out my mascara and putting it on, i brushed through my eyebrows and then put on lipgloss.

"remember act like were dating when u see jayla" tom said, "yea ik" i replied putting all my makeup in my bag, "i have a feeling u guys are dating" bill said.

"what why" i asked, "last night" he said, "what about last night?" i asked, and bill showed me a picure.

"WHY WOULD U TAKE THAT" i shouted, "it's cute" bill said, "nothing about that is cute, delete it" i said, "ugh fine" bill said deleting it.

"i don't even know why ur complaining, u didn't seem to mind it last night" tom smirked, "what?" i asked, "can u keep doing that to my hair please" tom mocked me.

"SHUT UP" i shouted, "holy shit, um june i would check insta if i were u" bill said, "what why" i said grabbing my phone and the we ended up arriving at school.

"i'll just check it later" i said getting out of the car, "tom there's jayla" georg said, she started walking up to us, "tommy have u thought about not leaving me" she said in a whiny voice.

"jayla i already fucking have, im with someone way better than u" tom smirked, "and who's that" jayla askrd crossing her arms, "me" i said.

"omg, this fat bitch, u left me for her" jayla laughed, "don't even-" tom said before i cut him of, "listen here u fucking cunt, first of all im not fat, and secondly u ever talk to me like that again and u will fucking regret it" i said.

"awww what'll u do, i mean u couldn't even stand up to wayne" she said, "what the fuck do u know about me and wayne" i asked, "doesn't matter, i'll just date him then" jayla said looking at tom then walking away.

"i'm gonna fucking kill her" i said pissed, "calm down shes just a bitch" tom said, "u did good, i think she believed it" he whispered in my ear.

"no i won't calm down, how does she think she has the right to talk to me like that" i said looking at tom, "she doesn't, just don't do anything u will regret" tom said.

"why are u taking her side, i'm gonna fucking kill u to" i said, "JUNE CALM DOWN" tom shouted, "will u stop telling me to calm down because i'm fuc-" i said before i got cut of by tom smashing his lips into mine.

I pulled away immediately, "what was that for" i asked, "u calm now?" tom asked, "yea but why did u" i said before he walked away.

"what the fuck just happened" i said to myself, everyone split ways to go our classes, i walked into art to see tom and jayla, fuck this is gonna be bad.

I sat down beside tom because i didn't know any1 else really, "miss me that much" tom smirked, "no, i just don't know anyone else" i said.

"i was joking" tom said, i then saw wayne walk in, "wayne u can go sit behind june" the teacher said, "no way i'm not sitting near that bitch" wayne said.

"WAYNE LANGUAGE" the teacher shouted, i was about to say smth to wayne when tom put his hand on my thigh, i got butterflies.

God why does tom always know how to calm me down, it's like he was made for it, "see it's okay" tom said, "thanks" i smiled at him.

He smiled back, omg i literally could've fainted right there, his smile was so fucking perfect, oh shit ive actually fell for tom.

The teacher still forced wayne to sit behind me, and when he did threw me a note, i opened it and started to tear up.

I put my hand up, "can i go to the toilet" i asked and the teacher nodded, as soon as i got out of the class i started running to the bathrooms crying.

But before i could get there everything went black.

1064 words
cliff hanger ooo

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