Part 9

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toms pov

I saw wayne throw june a note, when i looked at june it looked as if she was about to cry, she asked to go to the bathroom, but 10 minutes later she still wasn't back.

"can i go to the bathroom?" i asked and the teacher said yea, i walked around trying to look for june, when i turned a corner i saw her, lying on on the floor, unconscious.

I ran over to her, "JUNE WAKE UP" i shouted shaking her, "JUNE" i shouted again but she wouldn't move, i kept shaking her and screaming until her eyes finally flickered open.

"ew tom get of me" she groaned getting up and i laughed.

your pov

I woke up in toms arms, "ew tom get if me" i groaned getting up and he just laughed, "what happened" i asked, "u passed out" tom replied.

"what for how long?" i asked, "idk like 10 minutes or smth" tom said, "oh well i guess we should go back to class" i said.

"june, u were literally unconscious u sure u wanna go back to glass" tom asked concerned, "okay maybe i wanna smoke" i laughed.

"i know a spot" tom said grabbing my hand and we ran down the halls till we were in the abandoned building in the back.

"really an abandoned building" i laughed, "what no one will find us here" tom said, "u have anything?" i asked, "obv" tom said and handed me a cigarette.

I stole toms lighter and lit it, i took a few draws before i put my head on toms shoulder, "hmm u sure u don't hate me" tom smirked.

"okay maybe i don't hate u" i laughed, "i don't hate u either" tom smiled, we just sat like that for a few minutes until we heard ppl shouting our names.

we turned around and saw teachers, "shit" i laughed me and tom both got up and hid behind some stairs, we heard footsteps coming near us and tom put his hand over my mouth.

They started to fade away and tom took his hand away, "i can keep quiet yk" i said, me and tom went outside and laid down on the grass.

We stayed there just silent for a while, it was nice tho, being in eachothers company, "what time is it?" i asked, "bro do u not know how to check urself" tom said.

"icba" i laughed, "well it's lunch in like 5 mins" tom replied, "we should probably go" i said sitting up, "yea" tom said standing up.

"u coming or what?" tom said looking down at me, "i'm to tired" i groaned lying back down, "get up" tom said, "nope" i laughed.

Tom grabbed my arms and pulled me up, "ow dickhead" i said, we walked to the canteen and found the band on a table.

"okay now where the fuck were yous, literally every teacher was looking for u" bill asked as soon as we sat down, "smoking" i replied.

"imma go get smth to eat, u want anything june?" tom asked, "no i'm alr" i smiled at him and he walked away, "wtf was that?" georg asked.

"what?" i replied, "u and tom, is there smth there?" bull asked, "what no, we can just tolerate eachother now" i chucked and tom came up sitting down.

"what u guys talking about" tom asked, "you" i said stealing one of toms grapes and eating it, "u literally said u weren't hungry" tom said, "well tough" i said stealing another.

"bro stop get ur own" tom said pulling them away from me, "please" i begged, "fine" tom said passing me the grapes, "thank uu" i smiled eatinf them.

While i was eating i heard people laughing behind me, i turned around to see wayne and jayla, "omg whys she eating again, she's fat enough" jayla laughed loud enough for me to hear.

"Call me crazy but this doesn't feel like pretend" - tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now