Wandering Eyes

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A/n- The image at the top is what I picture Kai's physique to look like

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A/n- The image at the top is what I picture Kai's physique to look like.

Previously on Mine

"So....we're neighbors now" He said shyly

"Yeah" Katsuki said still looking away

Kai looks off feeling the awkwardness grow. He turned around When all of a sudden lips crashed into his face. Katsuki had kissed him. He returned the kiss after finally catching on to the situation. Though that's probably not going to be all that happens that night 👁👄👁


Author - I'm sorry viewers if you thought there would be spice but unfortunately those two are too awkward. Let me tell you

After the kiss the two boys realize what happened and swiftly parted ways. Katsuki was the first to run off as he was too embarrassed to face Kai after kissing him like that. He opened his door and hurriedly closed it behind him after he went in. He leaned back against his door with his head in his hands. Katsuki screamed internally at the action he just took.

In all his years alive he has never kissed another person. Yet and still he kissed Kai, the boy he was in love with. To some it seems like a dream come true but to Katsuki Bakugou it seemed like a lego poking you in the foot when you walk. He had a rush of emotion that he felt he needed to act on. Did he really need to? Probably not but did he? Yes...yes he did.

He now felt like things would just get awkward now -well even more awkward . There's nothing that can be done now he already kissed him.

Kai on the other hand loved the kiss. And yes there is a but. He did not want any more awkwardness either. They were two lovesick teens who were -how do i put it....oh! Clueless- really awkward.

For the rest of the night the two sat up worrying about what the other was thinking. They both fell asleep eventually.

(The Next Day)

The next day was the start of a new lesson which would mostly consist of strength training. Everyone was in the gym working out. Kai was lifting weights to build his arm strength and running on a treadmill to build stamina. Katsuki was boxing using the punching bag.

Katsuki took a break after a good 15 minutes of boxing. He took a sip of water and glanced to his right where Kai was working. He almost choked up on his water. What he saw was Kai, the love of his life, without a shirt on, abs glistening, sweat rolling down his chest, his grey sweats that he wore were hanging low so that Katsuki could see his v-line. To him it was a magical sight. He was staring so long that he didn't notice Kirishima standing in front of him.

"Bakubro you good man?" Kirishima said finally shaking Katsuki out of his trance

"The hell of course i'm fine" he said trying not to bring attention to himself.

"Dude you were totally giving Kai a stare down" Kiri chuckled as his friend gave him a glare

"I wasn't staring shitty extra" He was in fact staring but he would never admit it to anyone

"Yeah whatever you say anyway dude..Are you finished with the punching bag?" Kiri asked putting his gloves on

"Yeah go ahead and use it" He went back to drinking his water and staring.

(Play song now!) (For aesthetic reasons) -Author💝

He watched as Kai wiped the sweat from his face. He watched how each of the muscles of his arms flexed during each movement. His eyes traveled over to his broad shoulders and how strong they looked. His eyes then made their way to his defined torso. His six pack being the main focus. His eyes then landed on the notorious v-line that made his mouth water slightly. Now that he was there he had no other choice but to look further down. He had on sweats that showed his "print". This caused Katsuki to gulp. He unknowingly bit his bottom lip. Soon his eyes finally rose to the face of the man he was staring at to find that he was now standing right in front of him.

"Oye, ¿estás bien?" Katsuki was immediately shaken from his trance.

"Huh?" Katsuki asked in surprise

"I asked were you ok?" Kai said removing the towel from his head

"I-im fine" He cursed himself for stuttering

"You were staring a lot" Kai said placing the towel over his shoulder

"I wasn't staring!" Katsuki was embarrassed to know that he was caught staring

"Ok just making sure" He said going to finish exercising

From that day forward Katsuki decided not to get caught staring.

(The Next Week)

Today was the day that everyone got their partners for patrol.

Partner assignments:

Mina and Toru

Tsuyu and Uraraka

Momo and Jiro

Tokoyami and Shoji

Ojiro and Koda

Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima

Mineta and Sato

Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya

Bakugou and Flare

(POV change-Kai)

Each group was given an area to patrol. Me and Katsuki were given Hosu. We took the bullet train to get there. It was quiet. We haven't really talked much since he kissed me. I want to say something to him but I don't know if I should.

Once we arrived both of us started surveilling the area. We both checked through alleyways, we walked the strip, and even checked in stores. He barely looked me in the eye the whole time. It was like he was avoiding me for some reason.

(POV change- Bakugou)

I got partnered with the person I was trying my hardest to avoid. It's not that he did anything wrong. It's just that ever since the kiss and staring at his you know what in those sweats. Damn it I need to stop thinking about it!

I need to focus on the patrol. We only have 10 minutes left anyway. We can't leave everything weird though.

(POV change- Author)

The patrol was uneventful. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. The two boys continued until it was time to head to the school. This time they decided to take a cab. It was free for heroes in training. The groups all made their way back to the school.

They went back into the locker rooms and changed into their normal clothes. All of the students were glad they had finally finished their day. Everyone exits the school. Everyone except Kai. He got undressed last.

He recently had a mild meltdown with his quirk. Aizawa and his parents were there but it didn't stop him from being injured. Aizawa came over to his parents house last weekend. He was supposed to be training his control over Balerion. That day Kai and his parents had been researching ancient languages that could possibly help. One interested them the most and that was the High Valerian. It was the language that was used to train dragons.

He tried drawing out Balerion using said language but the dragon got ahead of himself. He did not want to listen to Kai but instead to fight him. Kai was scratched down his back by one of the claws. Luckily Aizawa was able to use his quirk in time. Now he has a huge scar going diagonally across his back.

He slowly lifted his shirt off his body. Revealing the humongous mark. Kai was relieved that he had privacy. He was getting his other shirt out of the locker when someone walked in.

"W-what the hell!"

A/n-Hope y'all enjoy!

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