Our Fates Aligned

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Previously On Mine

"They're setting a meeting with Aizawa and Principal Nezu to talk about it" Kai slumped down into his chair, looking over at Katsuki. Katsuki was avoiding his gaze since he just snooped through his computer.

"You ok" Kai asked

"Yeah I'm fine!" Katsuki face light up

"Your really red, Are you sure?" Kai got closer to Katsuki's face

"Yes I'm fucking sure!"


A couple weeks have passed as Kai gets used to speaking High Valyrian. He's gotten pretty good at it actually. He now can officially say he's trilingual. He and Katsuki's relationship have been moving at a somewhat steady pace though they still haven't made it official yet. Kai wants to ask him out and has been planning how to. He decides to do it after their training for the day ends.         

        The students were underground in facility that resembles a shopping center. They had to find the victims and escape without anything happening. They are currently trapped under rubble and cant get out of it. Katsuki and Kai somehow end up on the same level. They dont know it though. It's dark and Kai cant really be in the dark. Balerion likes to strike in the darkness.

'You can't hold me forever boy' Balerion's deep and graty voice sounded through Kai's consciousness. At first Kai didnt respond but it was taking its toll.

'Ignore me all you can but it will Never help you' The growls and snarls got louder, causing Kai's ears to ache

"Stop talking" Kai held his ears waiting for the pain to cease

'YOU HAVE NO CONTROL HERE!' Balerion roared out. Kai ears began to bleed. Kai screamed out in pain. His eye started turning golden-yellow. A tattoo appeared on his back, it was a big black dragon. Smoke ran from his mouth. Kai fell to his knees in pain.

"Keligon (Stop)" Kai yelled out through the pain

'ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE EARNED MY RESPECT CAN USED THAT LANGUAGE!' Balerion roared out once more. Kai's classmates heard it as well as the teachers in charge. Aizawa knew that sound from training with Kai. He immediately called off the exercise.

"Everybody get out of there now! The exercise is canceled" Aizawa didnt know that a lot of his students were stuck and couldnt get free. Aizawa and Midnight go down into the facility to rescue the students and get Kai's quirk under control. Most of the students were rescued easily. Once they were all ready to go, Aizawa and Midnight make their way back in.

Katsuki heard the noise and ran to the source. He saw Kai on the ground wailing in pain. Katsuki saw the tattoo on his back glowing and burning him alive. Kai could barely breathe and he was being burnt to a crisp. He wondered why he would even get a power like this. Why he had to suffer this pain. Kai nearly passed out due to the pain. Katsuki caught him and rested Kai's head on his lap.

'ILL BURN DOWN EVERYTHING YOU LOVE! STARTING WITH YOUR LOVER!'  This snapped Kai back into reality. Kai pushed Katsuki away and got up walking away from him

"Stay away from me! I'm dangerous!" Kai held out one of his hands telling Katsuki not to get any closer.

"What the hell is going on damn it!" Katsuki kept his distance from Kai but still tried talking to him

"Katsuki you need to-" Kai kneeled over in pain. He let out a gut-wrenching scream. Balerion's wings were starting to tear through his back one at a time. They start out small and as they exit, they grow bigger. His scream lead Aizawa and Midnight to the two teens. Aizawa sees what's happening and immediately jumps into action. He and Midnight work together. Aizawa erases Kai's quirk as Midnight puts him to sleep. Bakugou stands there in shock. He wasnt able to help and he couldnt calm Kai down really and he felt horrible. He didnt expect Kai's quirk to be that bad.

Kai was rushed to the hospital where they treated his injuries. Kai was in and out of consciousness and he even had a seizure. His parents thought his quirk was going to kill him one of these days. Kai wouldn't have a chance at life. Katsuki visited him along with Aizawa and a few other classmates. They didnt stay long since Kai wasnt awake and he could barely speak. Katsuki hated seeing him like this and wished he could do more. Katsuki decided to study Kai's quirk until he got better. He stayed up all night for the week Kai was gone. He wrote down everything he could find. He was exhausted but he didnt care. Kai was stable and was allowed back at school. Kai was told he couldnt participate until the next week. He didnt like not joining the class he obeyed nonetheless.

Kai couldnt sleep in the dorms. He constantly had nightmares about what happened and how it could have gone left quickly. He had to get Balerion to respect him some kind of way but just didnt know how. He feared for his life whenever Balerion rampages and not only his but his families'. Now he has to worry about Katsuki too.

Kai was left alone to contemplate everything going on. He just broke down. He had so much going on in his life. This quirk has ruined his life. He cant get rid of it either. He sobbed quietly in his room. Kai cried himself to sleep only waking up when a knock came to his door. The person walked in and sat next to him on his bed. Kai didnt turn over though. He didnt need anyone seeing that he was crying. A pair of arms wrapped around him and buried their head into the crook of his neck. Kai finally turned around and it was Katsuki. Katsuki had bags under his eyes as if he hadnt slept in days. Kai knew why he hadnt slept. Kai pulled him in closer to him by his waist. Kai cried into the crook of Katsuki's neck. Katsuki didnt want to cry but he couldnt help but let a few tears fall. He still felt guilty about what happen in the training facility. They soon stop crying and just hold each other in silence. Kai pulled his head back and put his forehead on Katsuki's.

"Go out with me" Kai said suddenly. He waited for answer and just when he thought would get akward, he felt a kiss on his lips.

"You should have asked sooner dumbass" Katsuki pulled away and looking over at Kai. Kai pulled Katsuki into a hug and they stayed like that for the rest of the night.

"Stay like this yeah?"

"Yeah, you extra"

A/n- Unedited! Hope you like!

《☆MINE☆》| Bakugou x Blk Male OcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang