Lovely Sunset

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DISCLAIMER: Child Abuse!! 

Domestic Violence!!

P.S.- Kai's parents are not what you perceived them to be!

Kai has been on edge since the incident with his quirk. Kai had been thinking and contemplating many things that had happened in his life. His dad's expectations, his mom's unwillingness to stand up to his father, Kai being forced to do what he didn't want. Kai had deep thoughts about why his quirk was this out of control. His emotions could be the cause. His rage, sadness, confusion, disbelief, and all the negative things he feels. The biggest one being his fear. His fear of losing everything he has worked for, losing his family, losing the love of his life, losing himself in darkness. It could of been more than that but his mind would always go back to his childhood.

         The rage of being the odd one out anywhere he went in America. He was different because he spoke three languages and was called a devil for using black fire and having wings- on occasion. His sadness because he left the one person, who he felt could understand him. His parents ripped him away from the only attention and love he was getting. Kai's parents never really had time to give to him. They only worked and had him taken care of by maids. Although his mother, Kaia would try and give him as much time as she could. She took him to the park when her husband wasn't around so her son could at least have some sort of decent childhood. Kai appreciated those moments but they still weren't enough. Children need their parents to give them affection and attention to grow into good people. Kai did not have that growing up. His father, Koren would sometimes leave him confused about his roughness. His father was very unloving to him. It was like Kai was just a meal ticket and nothing more than that. He always hit him when he was angry. Kai can vividly remember when he had to step in to help his mom when his father found out about him hanging out with Katsuki.


Young Kai and Kaia had just arrived home from the park. On the way back they stopped for ice cream and talked about his day. Kai loved it when his mom would take time out of her day for him because he barely got to see his parents. Kaia was the only one trying to be a good parent.

    Kai rushed through the front door and took off his shoes. He hung his jacket and took his toys to the toy bin. His mom did the same and headed into the kitchen. She cleaned her hands and went to see what to cook for dinner. One of the maids walked in to greet her.

"Hello madam, shall I prepare the meal for tonight?" The maid washed her hands and tied her apron. Kaia turned around in surprise. Usually, the maids and butlers would be off by evening time because they would be home to take over.

"No, no it's fine. I can make dinner. You can go home, Mara." Kaia smiled at the older woman and turned back to the cabinets. The older maid bowed and exited the kitchen. Kaia hummed as she prepared the ingredients. Kaia called Kai into the kitchen to tell him to get ready for dinner and bed.

"Kai, baby run your bath! Go on and wash up, I'm fixing dinner!" Kaia giggled as she heard a small ok from the boy. Kai rushed up to his bedroom. He went to his dresser and pulled out his pajamas. He walked into his bathroom, turned on his bath water, and waited until it was filled. He got in and washed his little body. He played with his toys peacefully until he heard the faint sound of yelling. Kai stepped out of the tub and grabbed his towel to dry himself off. He quickly put on his clothes and made a beeline for the stairs. Kai could hear more clearly now and it was Koren, his father and he was furious. He was yelling at Kaia about not taking Kai's study time seriously.

" Are you a fool! Why was he at the park instead of studying!?" Kaia has known about her husband's anger but over the years it has gotten worse. Now even her son was starting to suffer.

《☆MINE☆》| Bakugou x Blk Male OcWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt