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Previously on Mine

He tried drawing out Balerion using said language but the dragon got ahead of himself. He did not want to listen to Kai but instead to fight him. Kai was scratched down his back by one of the claws. Luckily Aizawa was able to use his quirk in time. Now he has a huge scar going diagonally across his back.

He slowly lifted his shirt off his body. Revealing the humongous mark. Kai was relieved that he had privacy. He was getting his other shirt out of the locker when someone walked in.

"W-what the hell!"


"Kai what the hell!?" Katsuki rushed to see the blemish.

"Its nothing" Kai said shortly trying to keep the conversation from taking place

"Bullshit!" He shouted, placing his hand on Kai's shoulder making him turn to face his direction.

"Seriously its nothing to worry about."  He yanked his shoulder away quickly placing the shirt over his head and pulling it down.

"Was it your quirk?" Katsuki questioned. Kai did nothing but look at him. He now knew the answer.

"If you dont want to tell me what happened, fine but you could at least tell me if you're ok or not." Katsuki gave him a worried glare

"Im fine" Kai closed his locker looking at Katsuki with tired eyes

"You're lying" Katsuki noticed when Kai waited for everyone to leave the room before he took off his shirt. He knew he felt some way about it. He just wanted him to be honest with him about it.

"Katsuki. I said im fine" He said in a more harsh tone

"I heard what you said. Why cant you be honest and tell me if its bothering you?!" Katsuki's voice rose a little

"And what would you do if i did tell you!" Kai looking down with an unreadable expression

"Help you through it dumbass! How are we going to confess feelings for each other and we cant even communicate properly!" Katsuki gritted his teeth together as he was getting angrier by the second.

"Dammit! I said im fine! I dont need to talk about it." Kai growled, pinning Katsuki against the locker. This shocked Katsuki a bit. Kai's eyes looked hazy almost not his own. He was gritting his teeth as if he was trying to hold something back.

"No matter how hard I try. I cant control him! He's always talking to me , trying to stir up my emotions so he can take over." Kai relaxed his arms and let his arms fall as well as his head letting it rest on Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki could only assume that whatever it was he had it under control now.
"Its so hard! I could hurt people, people I really care about." He quietly sobbed.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around him trying to comfort him. He hugged him for what felt like hours. Kai stopped crying but still sat there for a minute. He finally looked up again. They made eye contact for a few minutes, until they felt their lips connect. Kai pulls away quickly but before he could say anything, he was pulled in again. It was a quick peck but it had an enormous amount of love behind it.

"Idiot, you don't have to do everything yourself, let me help you" Katsuki wrapped his arms around Kai's waist and laid his head on his chest. Kai hesitantly wrapped his arms around Katsuki and stood their for what seemed like forever.

"Thank you Katsuki, for being here" Kai pulled away.

"Don't worry about it" They both got cleaned up and went to the dorms. The rest of the class was already there. The two of them decided to go to Kai's dorm to help Kai learn about High Valyrian.

"It says that it's an ancient language used by clan called Targaryen. It says that they used the language to train......dragons" Kai looked at Katsuki who looked surprised. They had just found what they were looking for.

"Wait. Look here" Katsuki pointed to the screen. It was an image of what looked to be the Targaryen clan and there dragons. The largest dragon was of course Balerion. He was next to a young man whose name was Aegon Targaryen. He was the leader of the clan. Over time it looked like they just died out as a clan as well as their dragons. Inner-family feuding caused their demise. The dragons suffered in the midst of it. The article said that the Dragons' souls have connected with humans souls and are bonded to them. These humans have the souls of Targaryens. Kai was shocked and bewildered to hear that he might be carrying someone else's soul inside him. He always figure that he might be two people at once but this was outrageous. Kai was so stunned he didn't even hear Katsuki speaking to him. Katsuki shook Kai out of his daze.

"Dont let this bring you down idiot. It's still your body after all and nobody else's." Katsuki reassured him in his usual gruff tone

"Gracias (Thank you)" Kai sighed looking down at his hands.

"No problem. I guess" Bakugou crossed his arms still gazing at Kai

"You know-" Kai started

"No puedo evitar pensar que algo podría salir mal tarde o temprano ( I cant help but think something might go wrong sooner or later)" Kai ran his hands over his hair.

"You know I cant understand Spanish like that you asshole" Kai had forgotten that Katsuki only knew a few spanish words. Kai chuckled a bit before waving his hands up in defense.

"Lo siento bro" Kai had a bright smile on his face as he spoke."Tch. Whatever its fine"

"I'm going to tell my parents about this and see if it helps any" Kai stood up and grabbed his phone. He went to the balcony in the room to call them.

"Yeah yeah" Katsuki started looking through pictures on Kai's computer. He saw pictures of Kai when he was in America. He continued scrolling, seeing pictures of him at a beach, in school, at basketball practice and at home in his room back in America. Katsuki blushed at the pictures that showed his lean body, especially his very prominent v-line. There was one picture in particular that showed a lot more than just his v-line. Katsuki looked at the picture thoroughly. Kai had on a white tshirt with some grey sweatpants, a grey jacket that matched, white air force ones, and the lion pendant. Kai's face was covered up by the flash effect but the rest of his body was seen. He was in a mirror and one hand was touching his abs, the other holding the phone. His head was slightly tilted. The picture was good one. Before Katsuki could take the picture for himself, Kai walked back in. Katsuki clicked off quickly.

"They're setting a meeting with Aizawa and Principal Nezu to talk about it" Kai slumped down into his chair, looking over at Katsuki. Katsuki was avoiding his gaze since he just snooped through his computer.

"You ok" Kai asked

"Yeah I'm fine!" Katsuki face light up

"Your really red, Are you sure?" Kai got closer to Katsuki's face

"Yes I'm fucking sure!"

A/n- I hope yall like it!

《☆MINE☆》| Bakugou x Blk Male OcKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat