|| Three ||

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CW: Homophobia, violence, alcohol, drugs, harassment

Sapnap made it through the week with few issues, there were only a couple of times that he got into little scuffles but it was dealt with pretty quickly... by ignoring them, obviously, violence isn't always the answer

A/N Violence isn't an answer, it's a question and the answer is yes

One thing that he found kind of upsetting was that the guy he saw in the hallway was one of 'those' people, the highschool movie cliche; popular, straight, tall, football jock. He had a... lets simplify it down to 'hatred' against people like this at his old school, openly homophobic and arrogant, last year he got sick of it and ended up getting suspended for a week because 'attacking other students is against school rules' and 'you have been warned twice now' but that was in the past, maybe these people were different

Probably not, this isn't some magic love story, I don't get everything I want in life, he's probably boring as fuck anyways

He still had a bad habit of glancing over at the blonde, getting a slight flutter in his chest whenever they made eye contact from across the hall or cafeteria, this often lead to him laying on his bed for hours at a time after he gets home, just staring at the ceiling as he tightly hugs a pillow, imagining scenarios where they actually interacted and got along like a house on fire. It was finally Friday and Sapnap was excited, he had always enjoyed parties even though he really hated waking up to realise that he'd hooked up with a random guy, it was still funny to jokingly flirt with a kiss here and there

He just zombie brained through the day, spending his lunch break at the same corner table until a few too many people sat down, which is when he got up and left, waiting in his next class for the bell to ring. Sapnap was staring at the clock set on the wall, he grabbed his stuff and ran out the door the second the final bell of the day rang

His teacher tried to make him come back but he ignored them, fumbling with his keys and driving out of the parking lot before it became crowded. He made it home quickly and changed into slightly nicer clothes, his definition of nicer just means cleaner but that doesn't matter

Sapnap took off his choker and untangled the little star charms, slipped his chequerboard designed belt off and sat down on the couch, having finished all his homework the night before just to avoid any stress while he was relaxing, he shut his eyes and laid down, deciding to take a nap right there on his strangely comfortable couch


Sunday night rolled around and Sapnap checked the address again, typing it into google maps before grabbing his keys off of the bench and running down the stairs, jumping into his car and sitting his phone in the cupholder as he started the vehicle, his phone automatically connected to the car and started playing the last song he had been listening to "I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad~"

He laughed and turned it down, changing the song to something much better in his opinion "I wanna slam my head against the wall till' I cannot feel at all" He let that play loudly as he rolled down his window, letting the cold wind flow through his untied hair

It only took him ten or so minutes to get to his destination, parking his car down the road from the house itself, Sapnap slipped his phone into his pocket and got out, locked his car and made his way down the footpath, it was getting dark quite quickly despite being relatively early at nine PM "Hah, I can see my breath" He giggled and breathed rapidly to see the faintly visible cloud of warm air in the crisp night breeze

Sapnap quickly realised that he forgot to bring any form of long sleeved shirt, jacket or hoodie

Oh come on, how did I forget? I hope this house is warm

He checked the address once more for confirmations before stepping inside, the first thing he noted was the smell of the air, sweaty teens and the smoke of several blunts mingled

That is... unpleasant... to say the least

He shook it off and continued, shuffling past the main crowd of people and finding the kitchen, there were a few boxes of various alcohol "That's more like it" He muttered under his breath, grabbing a can of beer, flicking it open and taking a long sip, he smacked his lips and contemplated the taste "It's pretty good, a little too sweet though"

He took another big gulp before setting it down on the bench and looking around, there were quite a few people and he could hear another car or two pulling up outside. It's still so early, how crowded is this place gonna be? I thought it would be kinda small. Someone came up to him and offered him a plate of food, brownies to be exact, he was pretty hungry so he took one and took a small bite of it, the rich chocolate flavour filled his mouth but there was a hint of something else, something that made his tongue feel like it was on fire but also encased in ice, it coursed through his body, making him feel warm and tingly despite the chilly wind coming from the open back door

Ughh, I feel kinda icky, not the fucking drugged brownies again I swear to god- why do I keep eating them, they just make my hangovers worse

An hour passed, Sapnap had spent most of it just wandering around and talking to strangers, none of them were very interesting so he made up excuses to slip away and get another drink then avoided them for the rest of the night. He didn't know how much he had drunk but he wasn't worried since there wasn't much going on in his head other than 'I'm tired, i'm cold, i'm thirsty' His mind was swimming and he couldn't think right, there wasn't much to think about anyways

Sapnap tried to shake it off before walking around the house again, he felt someone tug on his wrist and pull him down onto their lap "Hhhhelloooo" They slurred, eyes half closed and face flushed from the large amount of body heat in the house, Sapnap found it kind of funny "Hi" He replied, attempting to stand up and walk away, they only held his wrist tighter, now he felt kind of worried and very uncomfortable but played it off "Nice to meet you, I-I have to go now" He wrenched his hand away but they grabbed his hips "Oh come on sweetheart, let's have a bit of fun!" Sapnap kicked them in the shins and scrambled back when they let go, hissing with pain as they stood up "What the fuck was that for" They snapped, he turned around and pushed through the crowds of people, stumbling away from the person following him

Sapnap turned to look behind him and ended up crashing into someone's arms, he didn't care who it was and just snuggled into them, wrapping his arms around their torso and quickly saying "HEYYY BEST FRIEND"

He looked down at Sapnap confusedly until he saw the other guy shoving people aside and walking over, he put his left arm around the ravenette "What do you want?" he said in a bored voice to the other "None of your fucking bussiness" They replied, folding their arms grumpily

He rolled his eyes "Then you'll be fine with fucking off, now shoo, he obviously doesn't want to be around your stupid ass" They flipped him off and walked away, going outside and called what he assumed was an uber, he turned back to look at Sapnap "Can you... let go of me please?" Sapnap shook his head, keeping his eyes squeezed shut and burying his face in their hoodie, they sighed and nudged him towards an empty couch, getting him to sit down so that they could sit as well. Sapnap curled up against their side, finally moving his arms so he could wrap them around himself

"Will you let me leave yet? I kinda need to go home now"

"Nghhhh stay"

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