|| Thirty four ||

24 1 0

The pair were cuddled up on the couch in Sapnap's living room, Dream was laying his head on Sapnap's lap and Sapnap had almost every pillow in the apartment, he was hugging one while the others were either behind his back or on the floor in front of him because they fell off of the couch

A/N oH mAe GoD tHiCcC tHiGh PiLlOwS

Dream sat up slightly, holding himself up by leaning on his forearms "Hey Sapnap" "Mmmff?" Sapnap replied "What the fuck is 'mmmff?', use actual words, I don't speak bottom" Dream said, Sapnap rolled his eyes, used to his stupid responses "Fuck you, I meant 'yeah?'"

"Is there something on my face?"

Sapnap leaned down "Uhhh... I don't thi-" Dream sat up even more and grabbed him by the shoulders, quickly kissing him before laying down again "I-I- Dream what the h-hell!?" Sapnap stuttered out, his cheeks flushed, while Dream started laughing "Get memed, idiot"

"Get memed? Geez, you're starting to sound scarily like Georgie" Sapnap replied

"That's because I am, George and I are actually clones" Dream joked "You look NOTHING alike, dumbass" Sapnap scoffed "That's because we can... shapeshift, obviously"

"Yeah right" Sapnap snorted "If you could shapeshift then you'd be living, like, four seperate lives right now"

"I can barely live one life, I spend ninety percent of my time with you and I can't get any of my homework projects done all in one go" Dream replied "I mean, i'd rather hang out with you than do homework but still" "All of my work is homework" Sapnap laughed in response

"How do you get any work done if i've NEVER seen you studying" Dream asked suddenly "Well, I do it while you're at school, obviously, I can make my own schedule so I try to match it up with yours so that we can spend time together, idiot"

"We practically live together, Sap, we might as well be glued at the hip"

"We could be living together if you'd just man up and move out of your mom's house, you've only got this last year of highschool and we've both got jobs" "I know, I know, I just don't want something to go wrong which will mean that I have to move back in with her, i'm just waiting until i'm sure that it'll work out perfectly"

"Mhmm, okay"

A/N Another slightly larger timeskip :0

Melodic birdsong echoed through the crisp morning air, a slight breeze washed through the trees, making their thin branches dance and sway in the wind. Warm golden rays of sunlight dripped through the curtains like honey and illuminated the sleeping boys, their limbs entangled and their hair messy, both of them had peaceful expressions as their chests slowly rose and fell

Dream was the first to open his eyes, sitting up and stretching his arms with a long yawn, he glanced down at his lover with a smile, gently brushing the hair out of Sapnap's closed eyes before sliding out of bed and walking over to the wardrobe

He tugged a plain white shirt over his bare chest and changed into a pair of fresh jeans, the knees were faded and ripped but that's how he liked them, he shut the wardrobe doors and headed into the kitchen, grabbing the box of cornflakes and pouring them into a bowl. He poured the milk in then grabbed a spoon, he leaned on the bench while eating his breakfast and looking out of one of the windows, he watched the already busy street below while idly crunching on his cereal

He heard soft footfalls on the hardwood floor padding closer then felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind "Goodmorning, baby" He said, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the ravenette, Sapnap just mumbled something unintelligible as he rested his head against Dream's back and yawned

"Can you repeat that?" He asked with a gentle laugh

"Come back to bed" Sapnap said quietly "Sap, i've got to go soon, I can't go back to bed or i'll be late" Dream replied "Just five more minutes" Sapnap whined needily, Dream sighed as he set his spoon down in the empty bowl "Fine, I guess I can spare five minutes"

Sapnap gave him a tired smile as they returned to their bedroom, Dream laid down and Sapnap curled up beside him, Dream wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him closer as he stifled a yawn of his own. He stayed there for what was definitely longer than five minutes but eventually dragged himself out of bed again, Sapnap rolled over and grabbed a pillow as a replacement but pillows don't emit any body heat so it was a major downgrade... at least pillows couldn't get up and leave though

Dream gathered everything that he needed for his day and walked over to the front door, pulling it open and starting to leave before stopping and turning around "See you later, Sap, have a good day!" He yelled over his shoulder "You too, love you" Sapnap called back, Dream smiled as he left, clicking the door shut behind him and locking it since Sapnap was most likely going right back to sleep


Sapnap was sitting on the couch when Dream walked in, he walked over and greeted the ravenette with a quick peck on the lips before going to their bedroom and unpacking his bag, he came back over and sat down a few minutes later "How was your day?" Sapnap asked, leaning his head against the blonde's "It was pretty good, how about you?" Dream replied

"It was okay, I missed you just like every other day but Puffy and I hung out again, she made me cookies" He said happily "She's practically adopted you at this point, wait- didn't you call her 'mom' once?" Dream replied

Sapnap got very flustered very quickly "W-what? No, that n-never happened, I don't know what y-you're talking about" He sputtered, looking everywhere but at Dream "No, I remember very clearly that you accidentally called her mom after she called you duckling" Dream chuckled

Sapnap shut his eyes with a sigh "So what? I see her as a parental figure, that's not really your business" "Alright then, mr. GrumpyPants" Dream replied, the pair sat there in comfortable silence for a while until Patches jumped up onto the couch and curled up on Sapnap's lap "AHA! See, Patchy likes me more" Sapnap cheered, gently patting the purring feline "What a traitor" Dream joked as he wrapped an arm around Sapnap's shoulders and softly connected their lips "Doesn't matter though cause' i've got you"

"You cheesy idiot" Sapnap mumbled fondly against Dream's lips, gladly returning the kiss "This is why I love you" Dream pulled away and pressed their foreheads together with a grin "I love you too..."

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