Tag three

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Before I start, my friend asked me a question! Lilac_Arrow

I'm not gonna lie, I've been having a really tough time mental health-wise, but, other than that, I'm trying my best to hang in there. Thanks so much for asking!


1. Who is your favorite celebrity?: Snoop dogg! :3

2. What inspires you?: Eating an abundance of mochi's gives me inspiration.

3. What is your eye color?: My eye color is actually both grey and green.

4. What's your height?: 5'3.

5. Do you evaluate yourself as sarcastic?: Don't know. Do you evaluate yourself as "asking too many questions"?

6. What is your idea of a perfect date?: I'm not interested in dating. But, the perfect date is... Not dating.

7. Where is the furthest you have been from home?: Outside of the door. 🚪

8. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?: None! I don't want to date, especially as no one would probably date me. :D

9. Do you have any bad habits?: Biting my nails way too much.

10. What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?: Reading, and writing books.

11. Do you see yourself as a dog or a cat person?: Aww crap. Can't we just have catdog?

12. Are you a good cook?: I'm great at making burnt, charred, and dusty food that's inedible. :D

13. How do you analyze yourself right now?: E x a u g h s t e d.

14. Do you avoid conflict or face it?: I avoid, unless my friends are being picked on or hurt, then I turn full chupacabra on their asses.

15. What is the strangest thing you have ever seen?: I'm mentally scarred just thinking about it.

16. If you could change one bad habit/weakness of yours, what would it be?: Keeping my guard up a bit better, instead of trusting too easily. Trusting too easily has left me broken hearted, in the end.

17. Are you a bathroom singer?: Well shit... I've been caught...

18. Do you get angry, quickly?: Actually, I'm quite a chill person. I rarely get angry, unless of course, my friends are hurt.

19. Do you have any allergies?: I do! I'm very unfortunately allergic to both cats and dogs(that one stop me from having them), I'm allergic to eggs, cherry blossom trees, and the spores that come out from the dirt and moss when it rains.

20. What is your most embarrassing moment?: Crap... Welp, here we go. So, I'm still in a really bad Crohn's flare up, right? So, I had to end up rushing to the bathroom, like a stupid dinosaur, I tripped, did a stupid flip and landed on my foot. I ended up having a severe sprained foot and ankle, and a ripped tendon. I'm currently in a boot with crutches. I'm super accident prone.


[If you want to ever ask me any questions, my private messages, or this book is open for that.]

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