Tags five

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1. Last book you read?: Wings of fire (The Flames of Hope).

2. One fact about yourself?: I'm the definition of a living potato.

3. Are you afraid of the dark?: HAHAHA- WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THA-... Yes.

4. Are you left or right handed?: Right handed.

5. Are you on time or always late?: Surprisingly, my ADHD doesn't get the best of myself time-wise, so I always arrive on time.

6. Can you wiggle your ears?: I actually can, yes! My mom freaked out when she saw me doing it. :3

7. Coffee or tea?: C o f f e e, my life source.

8. Cookies, cake or donuts?: I despise frosting, and I only like crunchy cookies, so... Donuts.

9. Did you ever participate in a talent show?: I did actually, doing stand-up comedy.

10. Do you forgive easily?: Just don't screw me or my friends over and we're good.

11. Do you believe in ghosts?: Of course, absolutely anything, and everything is possible.

12. Do you enjoy dancing?: If you think that dancing like a flailing animal is enjoyable, then sure!

13. Do you bite your nails?: What nails? I already chewed them this morning! :3

14. Do you have children?: I have three rabbits, and a hedgehog. They are my children.

15. Do you prefer a shower, or a bath?: A shower. Absolutely. I don't wanna sit in my own body of water.

16. Do you smoke?: Nope, and it's gonna stay that way.

17. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?: Not anymore. I've had 12 teeth taken out, because I have very little gum space, and my teeth were growing into my cheeks, colliding and crashing into each other. I especially needed to get my wisdom teeth taken out emergency-wise as they started becoming horribly infected, I needed to be on antibiotics for two weeks becaus it was almost septic. It hurt like HELL!

18. Have you ever been hospitalized?: Many, many times. I have severe Crohn's disease, and I needed to go in quite a bit, with CT scans, MRI's, etc. Still not in remission, currently on Stelara.

19. Have you ever skipped class?: No, but, I have ran out of a class when I was bullied by the teachers, themsel, just like the kids did to me. It was horrible school when I was in middle school. Now I'm graduated, trying to go to college. Wooooooh.

20. Have you ever been to a concert?: Yep! When I was younger, I went to the Imagine Dragons "smoking mirrors" album concert, and recently I went to Snoop dogg's concert ft. Whiz Khalifa. It was really great, but people smoked a crap ton of pot there, uhg.


[If you want to ever ask me any questions, my private messages, or this book is open for that.]

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