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1. Do you cry when movies are sad?: N-No..! (All the time).

2. Do you ask or answer stupid questions?: Like I'm doing right now? Then yes, yes I do.

3. How long can you stay without bathing?: A day, and that's about it. If I'm really depressed, or ill, it can vary.

4. Have you ever laughed at the wrong moment?: Absolutely, unfortunately. I really struggle with social cues, so I definitely have done that quite a bit.

5. Can you spend all your money on something stupid?: Oh, absolutely.

6. Favorite scents?: I love Pumpkin spice and shortcake smells.

7. Are you in debt?: Y e p.

8. Summer or winter?: Winter. All the bugs are dead.

9. Do you like joking a lot?: What do you call fish with no eyes? A fsh!... :"3

10. Do you ever want to get married?: NO.

11. Favorite cereal?; lUcKy cHaRmS mAkE mE fEeL l u c k y.

12. How long can you stick in a relationship for?: Depends on how many red flags I see.

13. Would you save the life of a homeless person? Why/why not?: Of course I fucking would. What kind of question is that? They're human, just like the rest of us, just in a great struggle and are in need of assistance. I'd save anyone in an instant if they needed help. Period.

14. If you could wish anything, or do anything, what would it be?: I wish there was no evil in the world. Just.. a safe haven.

15. What is probably the hardest thing to lose in your case? And, why is it so hard to lose?: I would say my animals, they're the one's that keep me alive, sane. They're my best friends, my home, my family.. I couldn't stand to be without my fur children.

16. Imagine you are bored, alone at home, both lonely and bored. Who would you like to visit you?: It definitely depends on the person, and if they even wanted to hang out with me. I'm a very shy person, and I'm kind of normally secluded in my own room.

17. Your best friend just confesses to having feelings for you and wants you to be more than usual friends. He/she loves you. What will you do or say?: Ah, that's a hard one... I wouldn't really know what to say, and were they actually being honest about it, or would I just be a meaningless hook up because they were lonely? I don't know.. I was a meaningless hookup, once, and he broke my heart.

18. Most likely to forget a loved one's birthday?: Absolutely not. I'm all OCD on that stuff, and have it written down e v e r y w h e r e.

19. Most likely to forget people's names?: Hi! I'm Dory! I have short-term memory loss! :"3

20. Most likely to forget what they told someone?: All the damn time.


[If you want to ever ask me any questions, my private messages, or this book is open for that.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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