Episode 30: The Attack of Iron

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Where we last left off we were in the midst of a conversation with Y/N and the holy women of the Iris, with some iron blooded ladies leaning in on the conversation to hear about the so called King they heard so much about! Where will this lead us now?!

Y/N: "I'm ready to hear it.." Y/N murmured out with a bit of a nervous tone in his voice, staring Richie in the eye with the same determination he faces everything with, a bit of sweat rolling down the side of his head. All of the group sitting in silence to hear the words that were to come from the Cardinal

Richelieu pointed at him with a serious expression on her face, Jan and Torricelli looking at her and then Y/N with confused expressions. A moment of silence passes through the group while Y/N and Richie lock eyes

Richelieu: "A Demon who goes by the name of Sparda, will topple the Predecessing Era. All will crumble below the Demon Lord's feet and will bring about a new age of Fire and Brimstone. Such is the Curse of the Sparda." Her voice echoed out, it was calm yet held such weight and terror. Y/Ns heart seemed to sink, yet he couldn't figure out why. "Your existence, is a curse. Y/N Sparda... You must understand that.."

Y/N: "M-My.. existence?.. is a curse?.." His eyes got a little shaky "But-" He was about to speak up before Richie cut him off, continuing  the words of the prophecy as she put her finger down

Richelieu: "Followed by death wherever he may go. The Demon King will not stop until the world is covered with death and sorrow. Pay the Toll and the World will crumble into an Age Anew, work with the devil and the world will never be the same..'

Jan: "The hell does that even mean..." Jan spoke up, sweat rolls down the side of his head as well as he stared at the holy woman in shock and disbelief

Torricelli: "That's.. some vague ass shit dammit.." She murmured, Louis soon taking over the attention of the booth

Louis: "Now you see why a man like him can't walk free! This.. This is too risky to keep working with him, surely all of you must understand that!" Louis slammed her fist onto the table with a scowl. Looking at Y/N "You must understand that! If you truly care about your allies you would let me exorcise you right here! Right now! That prophecy has foretold the arrival of the Demon Lord Sparda! And here you are in the flesh! Surely i can't let you walk out of here alive!"

Richelieu: "Louis..."

Louis: "No! My lady you have to understand the ris-"

Richelieu: "Louis!!" She slammed her drink on the table, a conflicted look on her face as she furrowed her brow, looking up at Y/N

Y/N: "......" Y/N met her stare with his own, it was filled with a look of shock and confusion, after all what could this mean for him. Would he.. need to give up everything he's done here? Everything he's worked for.. All the people he's made friends with and gotten close to. To keep them safe? The words coming back to his mind of the last time he kept someone too close. Someone he should've kept out of the way of his Destructive Path..

"I love you. Kay?" Rang out in his mind. Over and over, on a constant loop as his breathing started to hasten, looking at Jan, one of his first male friends here. At Torri, surely a woman with her own goals, who got friendly with him despite having her short temperment. Not a woman he'd like to see die due to his own path of Destruction.  Richelieu. Saint Louis. Everyone here...

They were going to die because of him?... Because this prophecy Foretold?...

Y/N: "I-I can't.. let that.. happen.."

Richelieu: "We need you, to be able to win this war... But.. As the Cardinal i can't trust you with all my heart... A Demon Lord.." she shook her head as she looked up at him, about to get up and leave

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