SCF-ST-1: The Shitty System

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Arknights, that one gacha game I actually enjoy. Mostly because of the genuinely good rates on those rolls and additionally, doesn't demand you put your soul and all material possessions up as payment. Which, wouldn't you know, proves real handy when you just got into college and is looking for a place to live.

Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself. Name's Chester, the last name won't be necessary especially in the next few chapters, anyways! A little bit more context here, I had just moved out of Ma and Pa's home (that's right ya boy is officially a big boy now!) after getting accepted into a college and now here I am trying to find somewhere to live. 

Unfortunately, housing prices are ludicrously shit at the moment as a single person house averages at a little over a million! Like, where the hell do they expect me to find that kind of money? Trees?! Well, lucky for me, after going roof-hunting all over the place I found myself an apartment that was decently close to where I'll probably learning for the next like four-something years and it's 'somewhat' reasonably priced!  

And that's what brings us to now:

Chester: "-so where's the number? ...Uh huh, ...Wha- What do mean?! That was three weeks ago! This is the fourth time I've called and I still haven't received my account number! ...Well can't you just look it up in that database of yours? You'll look into that and call me back- NO! Don't hang u-" 

*BEEP~! Click*

Chester: "...,"

Chester: "...,"

Chester: "...AHHH-!!!"

<Le Smol Time Skip>

After that little incident, Chester had decided it was about time to cool off and met up with some friends at a local café that evening, allowing him to unload his lament on his lacking's and frustrations in making any meaningful progress with the gas account.

Anisa: "Sooo... no luck?" A girl in a big yellow jacket sat adjacent to Chester inquired before sipping her coffee.

Chester: "Ughhh...," Chester could only respond with a muffled groan as he laid face first into the table.

Brad: "That's rough buddy." A boy in a crop top with a dark complexion and bright eyes quoted in attempt at cheering the sour mood.

Chester: "Ah, can it you!" Lazily furrowing his eyebrows and glancing with a soft glare Chester bit back at the overused joke yet the edges of his mouth did creep ever so slightly.

Currently, Chester and the group were having a 'nice and civil' little meeting over some warm coffee catching up a little before college or before any other major events and to grieve over personal issues but it was obvious whose was most prominent at the moment,

Brad: "What? Just saying. Besides it's already been three weeks-" 

Chester: "I KNOW!" Steams of frustration practically exploded out of Chester with that comment as he shot to his feet.

His outburst was in fact, so explosive that it drew much unwanted attention as some looked on cautiously, while others straight up just left, and the owner at the counter gave a very disapproving glare at the troublemaker.

Anisa: "Quiet it down will you?! You're drawing eyes!" Anisa barked hush yet strictly under her breath trying to not get kicked out with the other idiots. 

It seemed to have some effect as Chester finally calmed enough to notice the unease and tense built into the café after his little cry of rage. Sheepishly, Chester quietly and hurriedly slithered back into his seat before resuming proper conversation. And by proper, I mean frustrated ranting.

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