"The letter"

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It was summer, June 1st to be exact, Kaveh had just received a letter from his uncle, it said that his uncle will be gone for 3 months and he asked kaveh to take care of his house and farm. Kaveh felt excited. But he didn't want to be alone in there, not that he would be scared or anything. He just...wanted someone to be with him...

Alhaitham was reading a book as usual, focused on the book but not as well, he felt like there was a big storm coming, something was off, as he thought these kaveh came running through the hall, calling his name, Alhaitham irritated, closed the book and put it away then focusing his attention to excited Kaveh, what could have happened to get Kaveh this excited? Alhaitham thought. "Alhaitham look! This is a letter from my uncle!" Kaveh shoved a letter to Alhaithams face, "And so? What do I do with it?" Alhaitham said in a irritated tone, Kaveh rolled his eyes and spoke "Just look at it!" Alhaitham took the letter and started to read it. His eyes analyzed every word, yet he couldn't analyze why Kaveh was showing this to him. "So you're going to go to his house and take care of the farm?" Alhaitham said in his boring tone, Kaveh closed his eyes proudly "We." Kaveh corrected Alhaitham, Alhaitham widened his eyes with shock, 'We' ? How dare him! Alhaitham thought, " 'we' ? No kaveh I am not going anywhere, I will spend my summer break in my comfy house thank you." Alhaitham said while getting up from his armchair and leaving the room. Kaveh clinged on to his arm, as he whined "Alhaitham! Please! I don't wanna be alone there~ plus it will be better, there's a little lake and a big house! And the wind blows a lot! Please, don't leave me there!" Kaveh did a fake tear in his eye and looked at Alhaitham with puppy eyes, Alhaitham had a faint blush but he quickly brushed it off by pinching his nose, he sighed, the way that Kaveh said 'don't leave me' was...quite emotional to Alhaitham, he thought for a second, the wind, the lake appeared in his mind then kaveh appeared looking happy, flashing a smile to him. Alhaitham sighed deeply knowing that it's not going to be all sugar coated, but still, his mind was at Kavehs smile, then he looked at Kaveh, who still had the puppy eyes. "....when do we leave then?" Alhaitham asked, Kaveh jumped in excitement, Alhaitham hid a small grin, seeing Kaveh happy just made his stomach go wild with butterflies "Yay! I am so happy that you agreed! Heh guess even you can't resist my puppy eyes." Kaveh giggled between sentences, "Oh also we will be leaving in 2 days!" Kaveh said as he hold two fingers up in the air. Alhaitham sighed once more "Okay, then let's get ready, tell me about what we have to do there." The scribe got to his room and started packing while kaveh talked.
"First we settle in, than go milk the cows, then feed the chicken, after that we check up on sheep's, if their wool is too much we trim them, than we take care of the horses. That's what we have to do all 3 months, of course they will be daily" Kaveh said, then he felt tired thinking of what they have to do. He lowered his head. He didn't want to do this. Just then Alhaitham patted Kavehs head, "And that's why you have me...I guess." As he sighed and looked at Kaveh. Kaveh beamed with happiness, he smiled that Alhaitham will always be there to help him. 'That's why I love you...Alhaitham' Kaveh thought, "aww you're such a dork 'Haitham." Kaveh teased and throw his head to the side, but all he was doing this to hide his own blush. But it seems that Alhaitham already noticed this. "Mhm, says you." Alhaithams come back was too much for Kaveh, Kaveh gasped dramatically and yelled, "WHATEVER! HMPH." Kaveh hid his red face by sitting on the bed and crossing his arms, he looked so adorable when he was flustered, Alhaitham thought, chuckled to himself and spoke "Get ready, we are going to leave tomorrow." Alhaitham was getting out of his room, dragging his baggage to the hall. "What? I said we were leaving in 2 days!" Kaveh exclaimed while hurried to catch up on Alhaitham, "Hmm... Didn't you said that we should leave as early as we can?" Kaveh thought for a second, he did said that but he wanted to prepare himself mentally and physically, but if Alhaitham has already made his decision, there is no way of him changing that, Kaveh wanted to insist but, somehow he didn't. "Okay..." he hesitantly agreed and proceeded to do his baggage as well. Alhaitham found it quite weird that Kaveh didn't insist, this was some rare sight to see, still he didn't think too much of

~ Summer Paradise~ //Kavehtham/Haikaveh//Where stories live. Discover now