0. Prologue

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I hate him.

I truly do, I promise you. Right now, the intensity of my hatred for him consumes me.

How could he do this to me? Why would he? When did it even happen?

I don't have the answers, and the pain is unbearable. It feels as though my entire world is crumbling, suffocating me. I foolishly believed that if I stuck around long enough, perhaps if I changed myself by eating less and losing weight, maybe if I became wittier or more attractive...

But it didn't matter to him. I wasn't good enough. He was oblivious to how deeply I cared for him, how I would go to any lengths to love him, sacrificing the things I hold dear just to have him by my side.

None of it held any value for him.

How could he... find himself a girlfriend and flaunt her as if she were the most extraordinary being on this planet?

He knows the pain I've endured, and he knows how it affects me.

Yet, here he is, shattering my heart like all the others before him.

I surrender. I'm done. Done with the constant agony.

Fuck you, Kilo.


You guys I am so excited for this book. Thank you for reading my story.

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