2. Hell Week

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August 16th

I wake up with a scowl on my face and quickly silence my alarm.

Damn, it's 7 am already, and I need to head to the band hall soon. The move-in process went pretty smoothly yesterday, except for the part where I lost my ID the second I got so I had to pay $20 to get a new one

Like y'all are rich! Why the fuck do I need to pay so much money for a piece of plastic?!?

Ugh, I can't believe I'm such a loser.

I jump off my lofted bed and start preparing for band camp part 2. Yesterday's activities were forgettable; just more icebreakers. Seriously, is this the first day of high school?

I hope today we start learning some marching techniques so I can impress the section leaders with my AMAZING skills.

Who am I kidding? I just hope I can secure a spot. That band is enormous, and for what? It feels like every high-achieving band kid in Texas with a leadership position, top band experience, or state region recognition wanted to be part of this marching band. I'm just lucky if they even considered me.

I'm not in the band because I'm competitive or because I love playing my instrument. I simply enjoy creating memorable moments with other people, and I never want to let go of that.

I rummage through my drawers and find some biker shorts and a comfortable black tank top to wear today. Glancing at my box braids, I decide to put them in a ponytail, aiming for an athletic vibe. Today, I mentally decide to skip the usual self-loathing session in the mirror.

I want to have a GOOD day.

After putting on my shoes and grabbing my trumpet, I head out the door. Taking my time, I survey the state of my dorm hall. It's pretty small, but it gives me the chance to get to know everyone on my floor, if not the entire building.

Maybe this is my chance to meet some interesting people and have a legendary Wattpad story...

Nahhhh let's be for real

No one's interested in me like that...

but it won't stop me from trying.

Humming an upbeat tune, I walk outside the building, happily skipping my way to the music school.

As I'm happily skipping down the hill, a sudden gust of wind startles me. I snap back to reality and notice a boy biking past me. It's the same guy from yesterday, wearing the same clothes.

He's still kind of attractive, I guess... not that I really noticed.

"HEY, ASSHOLE! WATCH WHERE THE HELL YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME!" I yell at him, but he just keeps going, completely ignoring me.

"Dick," I mutter under my breath, then continue walking towards the band hall.

When I finally arrive at the band hall, I instantly notice my homegirl Rachel

She's wearing loose gray shorts and a light tank top, and her hair long is in a ponytail at the top of her head.

She just like me for real.

"Sup, Bitch" I say attempting to dap her. She looks at me confused. "Girl, you gonna leave me hanging or..."

She laughs at me nervously "I am pretty sure that's not how you give a high five". I was appalled by her ignorant statement

"Have you never dapped anyone up before?" She shakes her head.

Only white people.

"That's ok, I'll show you," I say kindly and she nods her head excitedly

"Ok so extend your right hand with fingers slightly curled and make contact with my fist or the base of my palm." I take her hand and begin doing the actions with my hand. "Then release and snap your fingers at the same time I snap mine" She nods her head "Ok I think I got it".

"Cool beans, and let's do it" I retrace my steps to the door and then start toward Rachel

"Sup Bitch" I hold out my hand and this time she weakly daps me up and awkwardly snaps her fingers after.

"Oof ok that was pitiful, but we will practice Trust." We laugh together and start towards the band hall and see a fuck Ton of people sitting on the floor

"Woah," we say at the same time. We take a sit next to each other when a short, thick, black man in an orange walks in with a tall woman with dreds, and a tall white man with a bald head.

"Welcome to band week freshmen! And Congrats on getting into UT!" The black man says with excitement. "More like hell week" I hear an upperclassmen say.

For my mental health, I'm going to ignore the statement

The man continues "I am Dr. George Clifford, your head director, this is Dr. Dixie Enormus our assistant director..." everyone starts to snicker at the odd name and Dr. Clifford glares at the crowd and they go quiet. "And this is Dr. Moira Johnson, she's in charge of our mini band"

"Yeah yeah. Get on with the good shit" I turn over my shoulder to see the same boy from earlier
He shoots me a sly smirk. Ignoring the butterflies erupting in me I turn around and try to pay attention to the next words to come out the director's mouth

"So over the next week you guys will learn a few stations and then at the end, we will use them for auditions!"

Sigh, I thought we only had to show up.

"Ok now go convene with your section leaders to start practicing music"

yeah that seems lame.

I get up and bump into a tall figure

"Watch where the fuck you're going" I said
"Woah woah who peed in your cheerios?" He responded
"Ugh" I hate men.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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