1. First Day

28 1 14

Jessica POV

August 15th

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

I wake up my mom, aunt, and younger sisters with a loud, panicked voice. "Oh God! OGA IF YOU DONT WAKE UP!" I urgently shake them awake, my voice filled with distress. As I step away, I clutch the back of my head with my hands, my words spilling out in a mix of frustration and despair. "Hey, my enemies have succeeded! OH! My enemies have succeeded!" I exclaim, my voice carrying a distinct Nigerian accent

I do not actually have one, but growing up in a Nigerian household, it magically pops up whenever I am stressed or angry... or when I want to entertain my friends.

"Can you shut up!" my sister Lauren sleepily throws a pillow at my head "Some of us actually like to sleep at night"

"Lauren... ITS 8 AM YOU DUMBFUCK!" I say gritting my teeth harshly. "Oh fuck" she jumps out of bed and starts to make obnoxious noises in order to help me wake up everyone

"Mama, AH what is this nonsense, please I beg you... WAKE. UP. PLEASE." I say in between each violent shake I use on my mother. She finally wakes slapping me square in the face saying

"If you EVA think about waking me up in that fashion again, I will make sure that I beat you so hard that even you're great-grandchildren will hear your screams," she says with the most violation. "Oh please" I roll my eyes. She glares at me and starts off to the bathroom and begins to get ready

"WHILE TAKING HER SWEET TIME," I say VERY loudly. Maybe she'll get the message. After my little outburst...


Yes little.

My other sister, Blessing, and Aunty Mar woke up and hurriedly made their way to the bathroom.

I know it might seem disruptive to wake up my family so abruptly, but I'm running late for the first day of band camp, and I'm freaking out.

I haven't even officially started college, and I'm already off to a rocky start. What will my section leader say when he sees me walking into the band hall (mind you, I have no idea where it is) looking hella goofy? And I had big plans to dominate this week.


I quickly start getting ready for the day, throwing on some tight shorts (can't wait for those tan lines mmm), a loose shirt, and a pair of Walmart tennis shoes.

Don't judge me; these shoes are disposable. They'll be worn out by the end of marching season anyway, so I'd rather spend $10 than $100 push-off.

Anyway, after I finish getting dressed, I glance at myself in the mirror. I worked hard to lose weight over the summer, but between work and preparing for college, I got really busy. Now it's starting to show. I know I'm not fat, but I'm not exactly skinny either. I'm not satisfied with the way my body looks. You could say I'm "fat in the right places," but I wanted to be toned and beautiful, not just curvy.

After my rather disheartening self-assessment in the mirror, I head back into the hotel room connected to the living area to check on my family.

"Are you all finally ready? It's not like we're going to a beauty pageant," I say sarcastically, a touch of irony lacing my voice.

"Girl bye, just because you look like bo bo da fo, don't mean we have too" she says disregarding my comment

I look at her appalled that my 14-year-old younger sister had such mean words this early morning. "well" I say exasperated with my hand on my chest "its nice to see you working on your manners" I say with my eyebrow raised

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