Part 2 - Fragments of Hope

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Sakusa fought to regain his composure, his voice steady despite the confusion within his heart. "Atsumu, memories or no memories, you are still the person I fell in love with. The accident may have taken away your recollections, but it didn't erase the essence of who you are. You're kind, funny, and compassionate, just such an outgoing person. And even if you don't remember it right now, I believe that love has a way of transcending memory."

Atsumu's gaze softened, searching Sakusa's eyes for reassurance. "Do you really think so, Sakusa? Can we still have a future together, even if I can't remember our past?"

Sakusa nodded, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "Yes, Atsumu. We can build new memories together, one day at a time. We'll create a future filled with love, laughter, and shared experiences. We'll discover new things, explore new places, and forge a path that is uniquely ours."

Atsumu's lips curled into a tentative smile, a flicker of determination igniting within him. "I want to try, Sakusa. I want to create new memories with you. But I'm scared. What if I forget again? What if I lose you?"

Sakusa's grip tightened around Atsumu's hand, his voice filled with conviction. "We'll face each day as it comes, Atsumu. And if you ever forget, I'll be right here, reminding you of our love, our story. Together, we'll overcome any obstacle that comes our way. I promise."

Days turned into weeks, and Atsumu's condition gradually improved. With the help of therapy and the unwavering support of Sakusa, he began to piece together fragments of his past. There were still moments of frustration and confusion, but Sakusa remained a constant anchor, guiding Atsumu through the labyrinth of forgotten memories.

As their journey continued, Sakusa and Atsumu discovered new ways to bond. They took walks in the park, holding hands and relishing the beauty of nature. They cooked together, creating culinary masterpieces and savoring the flavors that danced on their tongues. They laughed and cried, building a stronger connection that transcended the boundaries of memory.

Through it all, Sakusa's love remained steadfast. He cherished every moment, every smile, and every shared touch as if it were a precious gem. Atsumu's progress was slow, but he never lost hope. And in those moments when Atsumu's eyes flickered with recognition and his laughter echoed through the room, Sakusa's heart soared with joy.

One evening, as the sun set in a blaze of orange and pink, Sakusa and Atsumu sat on a bench overlooking the city skyline. Atsumu leaned his head against Sakusa's shoulder, a contented sigh escaping his lips.

"Sakusa," Atsumu whispered, his voice laced with gratitude. "Thank you for staying by my side, for helping me piece together the fragments of my past. I may not remember everything, but I know that I love you. And I'm grateful for every new memory we create together."

Tears welled up in Sakusa's eyes, but this time they were tears of joy. He wrapped his arms around Atsumu, their embrace a testament to the possibility that he could regain his memory.
A/N: btw it's hard to explain but Atsumu dose not remember everything that happens everyday, the things they do, they take pictures during so that he can show them the next day (or something like that yk??)
there was a change of plans!! I stayed up during the night for 2 1/2 days to make sure I finished this so that I could post everything all together since I had already posted part 1, I'm currently posting parts 3, 4, and 5!!! Hopefully y'all enjoy it!!!

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