Part 5 - A Midnight Promise

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As the days turned into months, Sakusa and Atsumu continued to rebuild their love, piece by piece. Their memories, once lost, slowly returned like old friends finding their way back home. They treasured each moment, cherishing the new memories they created together.

New Year's Eve arrived, and Sakusa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and hope. It was a night of fresh beginnings and promises for the future. He had planned something special for Atsumu, a gesture to signify the renewal of their love.

As the clock struck midnight, fireworks lit up the sky, casting a kaleidoscope of colors over the city. Sakusa led Atsumu to the rooftop, where they had a clear view of the dazzling display. They stood side by side, their fingers entwined, hearts beating in sync.

"It's beautiful," Atsumu murmured, his eyes reflecting the vibrant bursts of light above.

Sakusa smiled, his gaze fixed on Atsumu. "You know what's more beautiful? The love we've built together. Atsumu, I want to make a promise to you."

Atsumu turned to face Sakusa, curiosity shining in his eyes. "What promise?"

Sakusa took a deep breath, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "I promise to love you, cherish you, and be by your side every step of the way. No matter what challenges we face, I'll always be there for you, Forever and Always."

Atsumu's face lit up with a mixture of happiness and gratitude. "Sakusa, I promise the same. I will love you with every beat of my heart, as long as we both shall live, Forever and always."

In that moment, surrounded by the magic of the New Year, Sakusa leaned in and pressed his lips against Atsumu's. It was a kiss filled with promises, sealing their commitment to each other and igniting a fire of renewed love.

As the fireworks continued to paint the sky, they held each other, their embrace a symbol of strength and resilience. They knew that their love was a force that could conquer any obstacle, and they were ready to face the future together.

From that night on, Sakusa and Atsumu continued to create beautiful memories. They celebrated milestones, big and small, always reminding each other of the depth of their love. Their lives were filled with laughter, joy, and the comfort of knowing that they had found their forever in each other.

And as the years went by, they would often return to the rooftop, hand in hand, to watch the fireworks on New Year's Eve. They would share a kiss at midnight, a reminder of the promise they made and the love that had carried them through.

Their love story had endured the trials of memory loss, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever. And as they stood beneath the starry sky, Sakusa knew that their love would continue to bloom, a testament to the power of love, hope, and the unwavering bond they shared.
A/N: hope yall liked this little fanfic... this was my first time writing (I'm personally proud of it just because it's my first time and I don't think it's bad) but leave your thoughts(if you liked it)

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