what are they doing here?

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Adlynn's POV

the school bell had rung and everyone was running out of the classroom. I don't do school but I just watch over Julie. we walk over to her locker then her best friend, Flynn comes over. "hey, underachiever." "hey disappointment." Julie says. I make myself visible to Flynn. "Oh hey Adie!"

"ok, I know you don't want me to ask but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?" Flynn asks. "I'll know in the moment." "really Jules? thats all you're giving me? Mrs Harrison said this is your last chance." "I know. I was there." Julie reminds her.

we hear a voice to my left. its Carrie, Trevor Wilsons daughter. which is also Bobby but I haven't told Julie about that yet. I only told her that if she ever sees my bandmates. is to not mention me around them.

"see you at the rally!" she says. "ugh. what is she handing out?" Flynn whispers. "desperation?" Julie jokes. Carrie walks up to them. "here you go. My groups preforming at the spirt rally tomorrow. I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." "oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Flynn says sarcastically. "oh my gosh, Flynn. don't bother coming!" Carrie says in the same tone.

right when Carrie turns her back, Flynn crumples up the flyer. I look over at Julie and roll my eyes. "Nick? still? you know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." Flynn says. "Nick's a sweetheart." "yeah you'd actually have to talk to him to know that." I say. Flynn laughing. "and only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby." Flynn says.

"demon!" Flynn yells out. Carrie looks at us and they turn towards the lockers, laughing. "there's that smile. now let's go prove everybody wrong."

I stand behind Julie in music class. Nick is playing his guitar and Julie is trying not to drool. he finished and everyone starts clapping. "nice job, Nick. Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale." Mrs Harrison says. everyone laughs.

"okay. we have one last performance. Julie." she says. Julie stands up and sits down at the piano. "take your time." Mrs Harrison says. she opens the piano and puts her fingers on the keys. then lifts them up again. "i.. I'm sorry." Julie says.

"is this when we clap?" Carrie says. Julie walks out of the room. "Watch it Carrie." Flynn warns her. running after Julie. I follow them.

after school, I sit at the counter with Julie as she does her school work. Ray walks down the stairs. "oh good, your home" he says. "hi Adie. I was about to go watch your brothers game." Ray says, switching in between me and Julie. "I've had photoshoots all day. didn't even get a chance to eat." "Ray you have to eat." he ignores me, just look at me then back at Julie. "but. I got a phone call today." "yeah.. I figured as much." Julie says.

"yeah. well it was my realtor friend." Ray says. "oh- that." "yeah- and she says if we are serious about selling the house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff." "Does that mean I have to help?" I ask. "yes. and maybe you can..tackle moms studio." Ray continues.

Julie hasn't been in there since she died. "you're the expert. you know, your brother and I wouldn't even know where to begin." he pauses for a moment, reading Julies face. "its ok, honey if you're not ready, I-" "no" Julie interrupts him. "its all right. maybe ill try tonight." she says. "yeah? awesome, mija. thank you. oh and don't forget the loft. you know, from Adie's old band.

Ray looks at his watch. "oh, I'm gonna be late." he starts looking around for his keys. "under the mail." Julie reminds him. he turns around. "your a life saver."

Later that night, I follow Julie to the studio. "are you sure Jules?" I ask her. "yes. I knew I would have to come in there sooner or later." she tells me. we stand in front of the doors. she slowly opens them.

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