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Warnings: slight angst, language, fluff (I think that's it but please let me know if I've missed anything)

Pairing: Dean + Y/n

You've been friends with the Winchesters for 5 years, and have been hunting with them even longer. You used to date Dean, but you broke up 9 months ago due to him cheating on you. You both decided to stay friends and carry on hunting together, as it was safer for you than hunting alone. Dean is always kind and considerate to you, and Sam is like the brother you never had. Today you salted and burnt the remains of a ghost haunting its old home, but decided to stay an extra night in town to make sure everything is okay. The three of you decide to hit a few bars, have a few drinks, and enjoy your unusual quiet night.

You've been in this bar for an hour now, the third bar of the night, and you don't remember what it's called, not that it matters. It's playing your favourite type of music and you're drinking your favourite type of drink. Dean and Sam are sitting at a table near the bar, while you are dancing with a group of girls that invite you to the dancefloor with them. You're having a lovely time but you need a break from dancing so you go to the bar for another drink. While you're waiting, a man comes over and stands next to you, looking you up and down. He's handsome, but not as good looking as Dean, he's got short black hair and brown eyes, and his skin is lightly tanned. He's wearing a blue t-shirt and dark jeans. "I saw you dancing with your friends over there, you've got some good moves" he said smirking at you. "Thanks, but they're not actually my friends, they just invited me for a dance". You don't know why you told him that, it just happened.

"Well then, what's a nice girl like you doing going to bars on your own?" He asked you. "I'm not alone, my friends are sitting over there, they just don't dance" you laughed and pointed towards the brothers. "That's their loss, I definitely wouldn't refuse dancing with you, what's your name?" He asked, while you flushed slightly from his compliment. "I'm Y/n, and you are?" "I'm Brad, it's a pleasure to meet you". He took your hand and kissed the back of your knuckles while looking into your eyes, your breath hitched in your throat and you flushed even more. He kept hold of your hand while continuing to talk with you, asking you questions and telling you about himself. You'd had another three drinks while chatting with him, and was beginning to feel buzzed, when he asked you to dance.

You were dancing with him, normally at first, but soon you became more confident. You turned around so your back was to his chest, and his hands were on your waist, while you swayed your hips into his. He placed his cheek to your ear, so you could feel his breath fanning across your cheek, and you bit your bottom lip, enjoying the attention you were getting. What you didn't realise, it wasn't just Brad you were getting attention from.

Dean's POV:

When I saw Y/n chatting to a guy at the bar, and pointing towards us, I thought she was going to tell him to leave. But then, he kissed her hand, and kept hold of it and she didn't seem to mind. I couldn't believe it, it was so out of character for her. She wasn't the type of girl to sleep around, or have one night stands, or even flirt with strangers, so what was she doing chatting to him. They got up to dance, and I couldn't seem to look away from them, following each little movement they made. Sam kept trying to start a conversation with me, but I wasn't listening, so in the end he went quiet, knowing my attention was elsewhere.

Y/n turned away from the guy, I thought she was finally going to walk away from him, but I was very much mistaken. She lent into him, swaying her hips to the beat and his hands went to her waist. I felt like I was watching a live version of dirty dancing (swayze movie!) But it was worse, because it was with the girl I love. Wait, did I say love. I need to stop her doing this, I can't watch this any longer.

Reader POV:

The more I danced against Brad, the more turned on I became. This was not like me, I don't have one night stands, or pick up guys in bars, but maybe it was time to have a little fun for once. I turned towards Brad and lent in to kiss him, which he gladly accepted and met me in the middle. Our lips touched lightly for a second but I was suddenly pulled back away from him, I looked around confused to see Dean standing next to me, a hand on my shoulder and a hand pushing against Brad's chest. "Dean what are.." before you got a chance to finish, Dean interrupted you. He almost growled towards Brad "leave, now!"

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