Unsolved cases

833 5 10

Request by: agoodbowiediet 

Warnings: Language, violence, fluff.

Pairing: Sam + Y/n.

You work for the FBI, in the department of unsolved cases, researching conspiracy theories and paranormal activity. You've been sent to California to investigate the disappearance of 8 young women that vanished in mysterious ways, over the last 8 years.

You've been in California for 4 days, searching for any trace or signs of what happened to the women. You're currently in the local police station, checking for any new information, when two tall men in suits walk in and over to reception.

"Hello, we're Agents Nicks and McVie with the FBI, we're here about the disappearances." The shorter of the two says. You look over towards them with suspicion, you haven't been told that other agents would be joining you, and you don't recognise them.

The receptionist points the two men in your direction, and they walk over towards you. As they approach the table you're working at, you get a good look at them. The first man is tall with short, light brown hair and bright green eyes, he has confidence in his stride. The second is even taller, with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes, he seems more reserved.

"Hello Agent Y/L/N?" The first man asks, and you stand up to shake his hand.

"Yes, that's correct but call me Y/n, and you are?" You ask, still suspicious of them.

"I'm agent Dean Nicks, this is my partner agent Sam McVie." Dean says, smirking.

"We're here to investigate the disappearances and have been told you have the information." Sam says as he shakes your hand too, his hand is bigger than yours but he's very gentle.

"I wasn't informed that you'd be joining me." You say.

"We thought you could use some fresh eyes, in case you missed something." Dean says, making you scoff.

"I'm one of the best in my field, what do you have to offer?" You say in defense.

"Sorry about my partner agent, he just wants to help." Sam interrupts, giving you puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, just don't get in my way. What department are you with?" You ask, trying to catch them out.

"We're with unsolved cases, I can give you our senior's number if you want to check." Sam replies, smiling gently.

There it is, you've caught them. You know everyone in your department, so you know these two are lying.

"Really? As I'm with unsolved cases too, and I spoke to my unit chief this morning and he didn't mention you." You say glaring at them.

Both men look shocked, staring at you with wide eyes and mouths agape. They look at eachother with curiosity, hoping the other one will have an explanation.

"So who are you really? The truth this time before I have you arrested." You ask.

"We're hunters." Sam says quickly.

"Sam, shut up." Dean says glaring at him.

"Hunters? As in hunting supernatural creatures?" You ask Sam, causing him to look surprised.

"Yes, how did you know?" He asks in return.

"I work for unsolved cases, studying paranormal activity, of course I know about supernatural beings." You say as you roll your eyes.

"So do you know what we're dealing with?" Dean asks, obviously testing you.

"Based on the pattern of 1 woman each year, I'd say we're dealing with a chupacabra. Only problem is, I haven't been able to find out where it's taking the victims, or even how it's choosing them." You explain, showing the men the information you have gathered.

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