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Warnings: violence, language, smut, angst.
Pairing: Crowley+ Y/n

Backstory: Y/n has been hunting with the Winchesters for many years, she's like the older sister they never had. She had recently been possessed by a demon and had attempted to kill Sam. Sam used a verbal exorcism to get rid of the demon and Y/n had returned to her usual self. She had no control over her actions but Dean is very angry and won't forgive her. He has locked her in the dungeon until he can calm down, otherwise he fears he'll do something to her that he won't be able to take back. Sam has made sure she's comfortable, putting a bed and provisions in the room she's locked in, but she's not the only resident of the dungeon. Crowley is also currently locked in the room with her, his hands are handcuffed in long chains with markings on the side to stop him using his powers, and he's trapped inside the devil's trap on the floor, but he still has freedom of movement and speech.

You had been in this room for 24 hours, and you were completely fed up. There was not much to do apart from reading old men of letters files and talking to the king of hell. Although the second one was surprisingly entertaining, Crowley was being very talkative and was making you laugh with stories from his past. It was really refreshing, having someone else to talk to that wasn't the Winchesters. He was currently being quite emotional, telling you his feelings and how he'd never felt loved, or even appreciated. You felt sorry for the poor man, being abandoned by his mother, never knowing his father, being hated by his son. Even his own demons didn't respect him, and every olive branch he extended to the Winchesters was rejected. He had no-one, just like you only had the Winchesters, but even they were in your bad book right now.

Crowley looked ready to cry, his emotions bubbling up to the surface, but he was trying to hold them back. He didn't want to seem weak in front of anyone, but especially not in front of the Winchesters friend. He turned away from you, hoping to end the conversation quickly, but you had other ideas. You slowly walked over to him, and put your arms around his torso, holding him close with your head against his back. He froze, taking a deep breath, and whispered to you over his shoulder "what are you doing?"

"It's called a hug Crowley, I know it's probably strange to you but I would've assumed you knew what it is." Crowley sighed and turned slowly in your hold, until he was facing you, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, resting his chin atop your head, while your head rested on his chest. "You're right Y/n, it is a strange feeling for me, but a nice feeling nonetheless. A feeling I could definitely get used to" he told you with a smirk on his face.

You hummed in approval, also enjoying the hold Crowley now had on you too. You stayed in the embrace for awhile, it had felt as though you'd been together for hours but in reality it had only been a few minutes. You reluctantly pulled away, slowly, and looked up into Crowley's eyes, to see him already looking down at you. His eyes bore into yours, with softness crossing his features. You didn't recognise the look he was giving you, a look completely opposite to the usual hard shelled, sarcastic man you were used to seeing. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him, so your faces were centimeters away from each other. His gaze drifted from your eyes to your lips, he licked his own lips slightly and his gaze went back to your eyes. He moved his head closer to yours, so you could feel his breath on your lips.

"Is this okay? I don't want you to feel pressured?" He whispered, his usual cockiness long gone and his passionate side shining through. You nodded slightly, not removing your gaze from his. "I need consent love, I might be a demon but I still have respect for beautiful women like you". You gulped harshly, how was he having this effect on you? You palms were sweating, your legs shaking, your mouth went dry, all with anticipation of what was to come.

"Yes, it's okay" you whispered back to him. He closed the gap between you, his lips pressing gently against yours, and his hands brought you closer to his body. He was waiting for you to respond to the kiss, not moving his lips, afraid you would change your mind and pull away from him. You kissed him back passionately, moving your hands to the back of his neck and pulling him down onto you. Both yours and Crowley's eyes fluttered shut, as your lips moved in sync with each other. You thread your fingers through the shorts hairs at the base of his head, tugging slightly at them, causing a groan to erupt from deep in his throat. He licked at your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you gladly gave him.

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