Positive part 2

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Requested by Salemlyn19

Warnings: Language, fluff. (Think that's all).

Pairing: Dean + Y/n + Sam.

It's been nearly four years since little Bobby was born, and he has grown so much. He has brown thick hair that's just below his ears, and beautiful forest green eyes. He's very clever for his age, and has a great sense of humor; trying to pull pranks constantly.

You and Bobby are living in the bunker with Sam and Dean, but you stay with Bobby while the brothers go out on hunts. You love your little family, and they all love you so much. You are still sleeping with both brothers, but now it's not just friends with benefits, it's a polygamy relationship between the three of you. They both share you equally, and you split your free time with them both.

Life has been going well recently, and the boys have only had simple hunts that only take a couple of days, so they aren't gone for long. Dean called earlier to let you know they had finished the most recent case, and they'd be home later today.

You decide to do something nice for them, so you bake a pie from scratch for Dean and make a fresh fruit smoothie for Sam. You take the pie out of the oven and place it on the counter, letting the smell fill the kitchen. You hear footsteps running towards the kitchen and you know the smell has attracted a little one's attention.

"Mummy, I smell pie." Bobby yells excitedly as he rounds the doorway with a huge smile across his face.

"Yes baby, I've made pie for daddy Dean, he'll be home soon." You tell him.

"Yayyyyy, will daddy Dean share with me?" Bobby asks hopefully.

"I'm sure he will, but you have to tidy your toys away." You try to bribe, making him roll his eyes and huff.

"Okay, is daddy Sam coming home too?" He asks.

"Yes he is, they won't be long now." You tell him.

Bobby jumps on the spot cheering happily, then runs from the room and into the library where all his toys are scattered across the floor. You're cleaning the kitchen when a wave of nausea hits you, making you run to the bathroom while gagging.

After vomiting the contents of your stomach, you brush your teeth, clean up yourself and the bathroom, then walk into the library. Bobby looks at you with sad eyes and worry on his face.

"Is mummy sick?" He asks, but you shake your head.

"No baby, mummy just ate too much sugar today." You reply, trying to stop him worrying.

"Silly mummy, too much sugar makes your belly sore." He says, repeating the words you normally say to him.

"I know I'm really silly." You say with a small chuckle, making Bobby giggle too.

Bobby continues playing while you sit down at one of the tables and check your phone for any messages. You have a message from Sam that was delivered 10 minutes ago saying:

'we'll be home in 15, love you'.

You smile at the message and sigh in happiness. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, but your moment of relaxation is interrupted by the heavy metal door creaking open.

"Honey, we're home!" You hear Dean calling from the top of the metal stairs.

"Daddy!" Bobby yells excitedly, and rushes to the bottom of the stairs where Dean wraps him in a huge cuddle.

"Hey little man." Dean says, then puts him down and walks towards you as Sam walks down the stairs.

Sam picks Bobby up and hugs him tightly as he also walks over to you.

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