Chapter 12

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I stare at the green and purple pills in my hand before popping them in my mouth and swallowing them down with water, one by one by one.

. . .

It's night and teachers are about to go around to check on students. Zander lies on the stretcher, the heart rate monitor beeping consistently. His hands lie on top of the sheet.

For some reason unknown to me, I gently intertwine his hand with both of mine and press it to my lips. Please wake up.

I didn't hear her come in.

"Kirsi." My name hangs in the air between me and Headmistress Bargon.

"Did you even visit your precious grandson?" I say without looking up.

She takes the stool on the opposite side of him and brushes his hair out of his eyes. "Believe it or not, I did. Multiple times. I never approved any of the experiments done within these walls."

I bite my lip, my eyes downcast. "My parents were the scientists in charge of his experiment, weren't they?"

"Yes. However, when they found out the same was to be done to you, the ran to the hide their research and you. There were unable to take Zander with them as planned, however."

I look up sharply at her. "How do you know that?"

Her cool blue eyes pierce mine. "Who do you think helped them plan and then made sure they could stay hidden for so long?"

I think my brain just exploded. She could be lying, a voice tells me, but my gut tells me she's not.

"You know, the Academy was originally created to give orphans a home and shelter and an education. Clearly, it has strayed from that path." Her eyes soften. "Maybe we can bring it back to the original goal."

I don't say anything, clutching Zander's hand. Please wake up. I don't know what to do.

"I know you and Zander know about Amelia and Tam. I can help you both rescue them and get away from this wretched place. But like I told your parents, my powers are limited and it is possible that the board will find you. I can't stop their decision, however, if you decide to stay. Your sibling will be experimented similarly to Zander. The experiment begins after the Closing Night of the Games. Think about it."

"Can't the board just listen in to us right now?"

She responds coolly, "I have full control over all devices within the Academy. Nothing gets in and out without me noticing."

The silence stretches between us. She steps on to the floor, gently saying. "Zander's supposed to wake in a few hours. Be careful for the first couple of hours that he's awake. And by the way," she adds, looking back at me before leaving, "I love my grandson. Just like your grandmother loved you." And with that , she shuts the door.

My grandmother?

And why do I need to be careful?

. . .

Zander punches and I block. He fakes, throwing a roundhouse kick to my side and I wince, stumbling back.

The room spins as I struggle to keep my eyes open before my eyes finally land on Zander's conflicted face as he throws light punches at me, giving me a chance to defend but I barely have enough energy to keep my head and hands up today.

"Echo," Ms. Deacon barks at me, through the rows of sparring partners. "Focus!"

Zander fakes and slides to my side, slipping me over his shoulder but twisting to ease my fall. The whistle blows as I lay on the mat before getting up and pulling off my gear,stuffing it into my locker. "Good match everyone. Enjoy the rest of your day."

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