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On Halloween Eve, the dungeon ballroom is decorated for the holiday, charmed pumpkins and candles floating in the air, with dark streams of fabric adorning the columns and walls. An enchanted orchestra fills the room with ethereal music while ghosts and students celebrate the ghoulish occasion in humorous costumes and finery. It is one of the many parties occurring that evening in the castle, organized by a group of Slytherin seventh-years, making it the place to be.

Sloane is there for two reasons: because Poppy refused to go alone and because Sebastian invited her. It was not a formal ask, more of a friendly mention after one of their recent romps that she 'should come'. She knew better than to read into it, never once assuming it meant they would be spending the evening together. At least it has given her something to do on a Friday night and is so far more enjoyable than staying in the Hufflepuff common-room, where Lenora Everleigh is reading scary stories to the first-years.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Poppy asks at her side. The two have been passing the time people-watching from the sidelines, giggling over peculiar outfits and Nearly Headless Nick's antics as he floats through the room, startling unsuspecting students. The wings of Poppy's Phoenix costume nearly smack Sloane in the face as the shorter girl points.

She follows her friend's eyeline across the room to where Sebastian is dancing with another student, a Ravenclaw seventh-year who seems completely enamored by him, if her giggling and bright smile is anything to go by. It seems the recent, unfortunate rumor about his performance has been debunked. He is dressed in traditional Scottish attire, kilt wrapped around his waist, with tartan and fur adorning his chest. Not much of a costume as much as an opportunity to show off.

Sloane smiles, much to her friend's confusion. "Not at all. We aren't exclusive, so he's free to indulge."

"Are you?" Poppy continues to be frustrated on her behalf. "So if you were to suddenly leave this party with..." her eyes scan the crowd to where Garreth, dressed as a swashbuckling pirate, is showing off his flask of firewhiskey to a group of eager, younger students. "Weasley—Sebastian wouldn't cause a scene?"

"Oh no, he'd definitely cause a scene," Sloane laughs at the thought while also recognizing the hypocrisy. But the truth is she knows that while Sebastian's eyes and hands may wander, she is the only one keeping him occupied behind closed doors. Similarly, she cannot be bothered to indulge, as she puts it, when she knows he is the one person that can satisfy her desires.

"The sex can't be that good," Poppy mumbles, frowning against the rim of her cup of spiced butterbeer. "I hope you're being safe."

"It is and we are," Sloane assures, causing her friend to blush. Poppy does not ask for details but she cannot help but tease her. "I'm happy to share some of my potions with you, my dear."

"Excuse me?" she yelps, nearly spilling her drink in shock.

"Oh don't pretend you didn't try to sneak somebody into our dorm room last weekend!"

"I thought you'd be gone!" Poppy contests, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "You're always with Sallow on the weekends."

That is simply not true, is it? Sloane pauses to consider her friend has been keeping track of her movements. She did not expect the arrangement with Sebastian to last more than a week and yet here they are, almost two months later, and the thrill has yet to wane. It is not lost on her that she has lasted longer than any of his other flings, as far as she knows. Not that she paid much attention to his behavior before they were intimately involved.

Sloane decides not to dwell on it for very long, looking at Poppy with a curious expression. "Just who were you trying to 'bring home', anyways?"

Before Poppy can answer, a third voice interjects.

Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin (Sebastian Sallow x F!MC)Where stories live. Discover now