Old Playground

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The warm summer breeze was blowing through the trees as families and friends gathered together in South Park to enjoy the beautiful weather. The smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of children laughing filled the air.

The bright blue sky was the perfect backdrop for the vibrant green trees and colorful flowers. People of all ages were enjoying the outdoors, from picnicking and playing games to walking their dogs and riding bikes. What a great Saturday.

A little British boy woke up to the sounds of knocking at his front door.

"Oh deary me!" Pocket rubbed his tired eyes, "Some lad must be at the door! Oh dear!"

"Hello." greeted a geologist. "My name is Randy Marsh... where are your parents, kid?"

"Mister. Marsh!" Pocket looked down at his shabby pjs, "Oh pray, do excuse my rather shabby clothing! I don't believe they are home! Is there anything else Mr. Marsh?"

"Oh," a small bit of sweat ran down the side of his head. He was a bit taken back by the kid's english accent, "No... no I don't think so. I just wanted to introduce myself to you guys... since you are our new neighbors. Say, when do your parents get home? It's early in the morning too..."

"Oh great heavens me!" Pocket thought for a moment. He didn't actually have parents, for he lived alone here in America. "Oh pray, I don't actually... have parents!"

"You mean... you live alone? But you're in fourth grade!"

"Oh yes, well it's great for me. I get to live here practically for free! All paid for by the Canadian Monarchy up in Canada! I don't know why they would give such a nice house to me for free. Oh but dear me, I wasn't expecting anyone here so early. Pray, would you like to come in?"

"No.." Randy was way to high and it was WAY to early for him to listen to some annoying British kid ramble on and on about needlessly pointless things. "Actually, I have to get going. It was nice to meet you."

"As to you! Have a splendid day, Mister Marsh!" Pocket smiled as he closed the door on Mister Marsh. He went into the master bathroom to tidy up and change his clothes and get ready for the day.


There was a lot of things he wanted to do today. He needed to clean up the house, that was for sure. There were boxes everywhere full of many things that Pocket imported from Britain. Such as tea, biscuits, marmite, crisps, Cadbury chocolate, HP sauce, and Heinz baked beans.

Another... more interesting thing Pocket wanted to do today was check out the old playground nearby his house. It was just behind some old trees in his backyard. He wanted to see if it was anything worthwhile, especially since it was supposedly abandoned for 40 years.

While it was rather warm today, Pocket made sure to still wear his suit he had tailored in the epicenter of London. He always wore it. It was as if brushing your teeth or eating breakfast, he ALWAYS wore his suit. He sighed as he put it on and went outside to go find the old playground in the woods.

Pocket thought back on when he saw the old playground on the way over to his new house. The old playground was an abandoned and forgotten relic of the past, with its rusted metal frames, peeling paint, and broken swings that hung limply from their chains. The once-vibrant colors of the equipment had faded to a dull gray, and the rubber matting that once cushioned falls had long since disintegrated into a gritty dust.

The sandbox was filled with weeds and broken glass, and the merry-go-round had been taken over by pigeons who nested in the crevices of the rusted metal. The monkey bars were twisted and bent, and the slide was missing a few bolts, making it a death trap for any adventurous children who dared to climb it.

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