48 Sunday

15 1 0


I am not excited about going back to school in January I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked around my room.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I decided to do some skin care and also some yoga Andy and his parents went back to their hotel after we went out to eat yesterday.

An hour later I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he headed into the kitchen and made coffee.

After he did that he got ready for work then he left and headed to work for the day my brother was snoring loudly in his room which is so annoying.

I was sad when Andy left and went back to the hotel with his parents I know him and the rest of the guys and his parents were coming over later today.

A little while later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she headed into the kitchen and made coffee then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

An hour later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room my dad had to go into work because there was a storm that blew down some trees last night.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and made coffee and breakfast my mom said Elle did you hear the storm last night.

I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and said no she said it got really loud I said damn I was out she laughed and shook her head.

I ate my breakfast and also drank my coffee me and my mom talked about my future after I graduate I said I probably will move in with andy.

She said I'm gonna miss you I said me too momma trust me I gave her a hug and said i love you she smiled and said i love you more Elle.

I said I can't wait for the guys to come to my graduation my mom smiled and said I'm definitely gonna cry I said I might throw up we started laughing together and I smiled and continued eating breakfast.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes then I headed into the living room and sat back down on the couch and played on my phone.

My mom turned on the TV and we watched our favorite YouTuber Bailey Sarian she does true crime videos and also does her makeup.

A little while later my brother came into the living room and said what are you guys doing we said watching YouTube.

He said ok then he went into the kitchen and made breakfast then he sat down in the kitchen and played on his phone while eating.

I texted andy and he said he woke up with a bad headache I laughed and said Mr. Tequila man he laughed and said Jesus I love you.

I said I love you more I texted andy for a while then I put my phone down and watched TV with my mom and brother.

An hour later Andy Amy and Chris came over Andy was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants I said aww he sighed and layed down on my lap.

He said Elle I fucked up I laughed and kissed his head he said it's not funny tequila is an asshole my mom said oh I know trust me.

Andy said I'm never taking another God damn tequila shot I said ok I understand his face was pressed in my neck I smiled and started scratching his back.

My mom got off of YouTube and put on a true crime show and we all got invested in it Andy ended up falling asleep cuddled against my neck.

Amy took a picture on her phone and my phone I smiled and put my phone down and continued scratching andys back I could feel him breathing lightly against my neck.

Amy said Andy woke up and looked like he was gonna throw up and we gave him medicine I said yikes she said yea his head was also pounding.

I said damn what brand of tequila did they give him they shrugged I said probably patron they said what I said that's a tequila brand they said ah ok.

I said I know a lot about alcohol and I don't know if that's a good thing everyone started laughing and I smiled and kissed andys head he sighed and kissed my neck and continued sleeping.

A hour later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and sat up and said damn I feel like I just slept for hours I said you crushed me he said oh I started laughing and shook my head.

I got off the couch and used the restroom then I went in the kitchen and made some lunch because I was hungry Andy also came in the kitchen as well.

I handed him so advil then I also gave him some food and water he smiled and said your an angel I laughed and said I know.

We sat down at the table and talked about how bad the storm got last night a couple minutes later my brother came in the living room and hung out with our parents.

Andy said I will never drink tequila again I said I bet you won't after we finished eating we picked up our dishes and headed into the living room.

My mom said Elle your dad is probably going to be working late tonight because of how much debris there is I said ok that's fine.

Me and Andy sat in the recliner together and played on our phones and watched tik toks because we were bored.

A couple of hours later my dad came home and we all went into the kitchen and made food then we hung out and ate dinner together.

Me and Andy ate dinner in the living room and watched movies together I laughed and looked at Andy he said huh.

I said you got mash potatoes all over your face he started laughing and said oh shit my bad I smiled and shook my head after we finished eating he took our plates in the kitchen.

I used the restroom then headed into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable a couple minutes later Andy came in my room and climbed in my bed and got comfortable.

Every one else hung out in the living room and watched movies after they ate dinner me and Andy hung out in my room and talked about his future album plans.

I helped him write down some lyrics and they sounded really good Andy gave me a hug and said when did you learn to write lyrics.

I laughed and said I used to do it when I was a kid but I don't anymore he said ah ok and kissed my head he took the lyrics and put them in his pocket.

Andy and his parents left a couple of hours later and my brother went into his room and my parents also went to bed for the night.

I played on my phone until I plugged it in and got comfortable and was able to fall asleep for the night.

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