81 Saturday

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and turned it off and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy woke up and said do I really have to get up I said yes Andrew your taking me to the airport he said ughhh and got out of bed.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

Andy used the restroom then he headed back into our room and started grabbing his stuff that he needed I finished packing last minute things.

A couple minutes later we headed downstairs and I helped Andy pack the car up Andy locked the front door then we got in the car and left.

Andy said do you have everything you need Elle I said yes Andy don't worry I made a list he sighed and said ok and rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed it slightly.

I turned on the radio and relaxed against the seat it was still dark outside Andy looked tired and sad I bit my lip and looked down and felt sad as well.

A little while later we finally got to the airport Andy parked and helped me get all of my bags I smiled and gave him a kiss and we took a picture then I headed inside the airport.

I turned around and waved at Andy and his eyes started watering and he turned around and got in the car and left I bit my lip and turned around and went and bought my ticket.

I gave them my luggage and showed them everything they needed to see a couple minutes later I got my ticket and walked away I used the restroom then I headed through security.

After I got through security I got something to eat and waited for my plane I texted andy and he said he got home safely and is snuggled with the cats.

I told my mom I made it to the airport and I was waiting on the plane I put my phone down and started playing with the hem of my shirt.

A hour later the plane got here and I got up and grabbed my stuff and headed to the boarding area I smiled when I saw the flight attendant and showed her my ticket.

A couple minutes later they started letting people on the plane i got on the plane and put my carry on up and sat down and buckled up and I texted andy and let him know I was on the plane.

A bunch of people started boarding the plane I sighed and texted andy for a while I put my phone on airplane mode and put my phone down.

After everyone got on the plane the door closed and everyone buckled up a guy sat down next to me and smiled I looked down at the floor and felt slightly anxious.

A hour later the plane left the airport I started getting slightly more anxious when we had turbulence I started panicking slightly the guy next to me noticed and grabbed my hand and said it's ok breathe.

I said my names Elle he smiled and said my name is Cole I smiled and said hi Cole he said it's gonna be ok I'm assuming you have anxiety.

I laughed uncomfortably and shook my head he said just breathe he kept talking to me while we had turbulence I started shaking slightly and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer and I closed my eyes.

A little while later the plane ride was smooth I pulled back and smiled and said thank you he said no problem I said I hate riding on planes he said where are you going.

I said visit my family the drive would have been 36 hours he said Jesus I said yea my husband is working on his new album so he wasn't able to come he said I'm sorry.

I said no its fine it just sucks and I miss him a lot he said well I'm freshly divorced because my ex wife slept with my best friend.

I said it's either the brother the best friend or the dad cole started laughing and said yea unfortunately it usually is we continued talking the whole plane ride.

A couple of hours later the plane landed and everyone got up and grabbed their bags and walked off the plane I grabbed my carry on and headed into the airport.

Cole ended up walking around with me since the airport was massive I texted my parents and they were on their way me and Cole sat down on a bench and waited for my parents.

I called andy and he answered I said hey I made it to the airport and my parents are on their way he smiled and said I miss you so much.

I said yea me too trust me I heard the cats meowing I said how are the kitties he said they also miss you a lot I smiled and said yea my babies.

Andy said me and the guys are gonna continue working on the album I sighed and said please don't over work yourself and take a break when you need one.

Andy laughed and said don't worry babe I'm ok just enjoy your trip alright I said alright and talked to him for a couple minutes then I hung up and put my phone down.

Cole said your husband I smiled and said yea he was busy working on his album he said ah that's fun I said yea he's in a rock band he said no way that's awesome.

I smiled and said yea one of my favorite bands I said if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here he said oh wow that's rough I said yea but I love those guys to death.

Me and Cole kept talking until my parents came and picked me up I gave my mom and dad a hug and picked my luggage up I told Cole bye and got in the truck.

My dad started driving out of the airport I told my parents all about Cole and how he kept me from freaking out on the plane my mom smiled and said I missed you.

I smiled and said me too and I looked out the window on the way home it was extremely dark outside I felt sad because I really missed Andy.

A hour later we finally got home and went inside I put my luggage in my room and my parents ended up going to bed because they were exhausted.

I got ready for bed and went into the kitchen and got something to eat and drink and headed back into my room and closed the door.

I used the restroom then I climbed into bed and played on my phone and ate some food after I finished eating I threw my trash away and headed into my room and climbed into bed.

I played on my phone and plugged my phone in and rolled onto my stomach I looked for a video to watch then I put my phone down and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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