LetStalk (KTH X Reader)

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Author's POV

"Oh my god! Did you see Minho liked my story!" Naomi screams while showing her phone to Y/n. She smiles and shakes her head in disbelief listening to her, without looking at her phone. "Why are you so happy about that?" Y/n asks, her hand busy writing notes from her history book.

"Please, he glances at me during classes and now he even liked my story! My crush is developing into love!" She squeals and the door of the cafe opens, signaling the arrival of a customer. Y/n looks up from her notebook and her eyes land on the man who entered the cafe.

He was wearing a grey hoodie and black pants, and his blonde bangs sticking out of the hood, falling on his eyes that wandered over the counter when Y/n approaches the billing machine to enter his order. He walks over to her, eyes scanning the menu to see what he should order.

Y/n notices his sharp facial features, his tongue gliding over his lower lip before he bites it, deep in thought, and then makes eye contact with Y/n. "Orangeade. One please," he says and Y/n nods before entering it into the machine.

"Y/n! He replied to my Instagram story!" Naomi screams, approaching the counter with her phone. Y/n sighs and politely smiles at the man who returns it before turning his attention to the girl beside Y/n. "I'm working!" Y/n whispers, fixing her glasses and Naomi rolls her eyes, walking away in disappointment.

"Pay with this," the man says, handing her his card which she gladly takes and swipes in the machine. She returns it to him who smiles, bowing at her. She turns back, takes the takeaway cups for drinks, and prepares the orangeade for him.

"You came here every day for a week. Did you shift nearby recently?" Y/n turns and brings it to the man who looks at her with big eyes but then chuckles nervously, scratching his neck from inside his hood, and cupping his throat. "Actually, I work at the convenience store across the street. I just got the job so after my shifts I like drinking orangeade from this cafe. It is perfect," he says with a shy smile.

Y/n smiles and keeps the straw in the glass. "Here you go. Thank you for saying that. I am the one preparing it," she says and he takes the cup in his hand and bows at her. "Thank you. I will visit again," he says, walking out of the store but stopping when Y/n calls out.

"Wait. Since you are becoming a regular, can I know your name?" She asks curiously and Taehyung turns around to smile at her. "Kim Taehyung."

"Nice to meet you, Kim Taehyung. I am Shin Y/n." She introduces and he mumbles lowly, "I know." Y/n frowns, unable to catch his tone but he smiles at her, shaking his head. "Nice to meet you too, Miss Y/n. Thank you for the orangeade," he says, showing her the cup and she smiles before he walks out of the store.

 She smiles to herself and focuses back on the book but gets nudged by someone. "Oh! Girl, do I sense something brewing?" Naomi asks, eyeing the door from where Taehyung went and then back at Y/n. "No. He is just a regular. That is why I was interested." Y/n says casually and looks at the clock. 

"Let's go. It's time to close the cafe," Y/n says, taking her apron off, packing her books from the counter, and keeping them back in the back. "I can't believe that Minho really chatted with me! Ah! I am the luckiest girl alive!" Naomi cheers and Y/n chuckles before turning off the machine, wrapping things up.

Soon after Y/n is walking back to her apartment, scrolling through her phone, more precisely Instagram watching interesting reels and posts on the feeds. Her eyes land on the small jewelry shop, displaying a very pretty purple bracelet with a silver pendant. She looks at it through the glass window and brings her phone close to it.

Clicking the picture of the item using her phone camera, she saves it and then gradually proceeds to her Instagram account. She selects the image and posts it. For no one.

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